
Trying to put together gently used clothing, etc. for those whose homes have vanished due to the fire … Praying that gentle rain will quell the flames; and that clothing and warm dry shelters are provided while these packages are getting readied …


Mars or Earth?

Northern California Sky Report

Feeling like Martians ?

Praying for the first responders, fire fighters, and all those who had to evacuate, fleeing trails, camp grounds, and the worse, fleeing their homes. May there be rain – may there be the right kind of winds to calm the inflammations. Breathe indoor – nostral breating using the internal filters and … outdoors, definitely, wear masks, filter the dust and ashes to protect the respiratory system, and prevent the spread of Covid that way also.

Those yogis who have been practicing Pranayama… this is when we are grateful that we learned what we learned to help especially at a time like this.

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things

Native American Wisdom

Blue Skies Blue Lake … it’s still there People !
California Lake Last Year !

Have you taken a flight on a airplane before ? When the jet plane lifts off the runway, and heads up and up, zooming past all winds, air pockets, flying higher and higher – notice – no matter how cloudy, lousy and fogged up, no matter how thick the veil that covers the ground, once we get up above a certain altitude, then BOOM ! All the sudden, a breakthrough ! We are above the smog and clouds, and out the window, there’s a VAST blue skies that open up and sunshine EVERYWHERE.

Imagine! We cannot see them but they are up there – sun, moon, sky … the Universe.

All There – still up there – So again, there’s sun and blue skies – and more importantly there’s a SUN within.

There’s a bright sky and a brighter SUN within we can ignite…

So today, maybe we awoke and found the gloom and doom, dim,

Orange sky where sun is nowhere to be seen …. but don’t be sad. Let’s find the inner sun that ignites within that vast body temple within.

The time will soon be here when my grandchild will long for the cry of a loon, the flash of a salmon, the whisper of spruce needles, or the screech of an eagle. But he will not make friends with any of these creatures; and when his heart aches with longing, he will curse me. Have I done all to keep the air fresh? Have I cared enough about the water? Have I left the eagle to soar in freedom? Have I done everything I could to earn my grandchild’s fondness? —CHIEF DAN GEORGE

Geswanouth Slahoot
Salish First Nations
British Columbia, Canada

So sure, there’s No longer need to burn and smudge any sage

Burning sage is said to clear the air of nagative – negatives of sad people who forgot where we really came from, the non-believers of science – what does it take? Global warming is real and exteme weather is here. Earth warming caused by our own doing. Non believers of science also ignore the age-old wisdom to tend to our mother earth… so now,

The Creator is smuding the Air to cleanse the Earth … reminding us that we are responsible to tend to this Planet Earth, our home. Our home is beautiful and we will see the blue skies and the bright sun soon. If we pivot and tend to those we hold dear …

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.

Geswanouth Slahoot
Salish First Nations
British Columbia, Canada