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This is All There Is (んー、訳したら、”これしか残らない?””人生之しかないんだよ”、とか?)のポッドキャストを聴き入っている。彼は55才にして最愛の母親、グロリア・ヴァンダービルトを失くし悲しみにくれていた。永遠的喪中とはいえさすが月日が経ちずっとほっておくわけにもいかず、母のマンションを売却検討中1人地下室で母親の遺品整理に取り掛かる。それは70箱にその他もろもろの始末…母から残された膨大なタスクを前に途方に暮れる。遺品は母が残した物のみではなく、彼が10才の頃亡くした父親が残したであろう書類含めたあらゆる物、彼が大学生の頃に自殺した23才だった兄のもろもろも母の物と一緒に遺品3人分皆含まれている。人生最大の断捨離を託されてしまたクーパー、遺品を発見しては思い出にふけり、残されたメッセージに留まりながら泣き泣き彼は追い詰められていく。


Griefがただ悲しみと日本語で訳されるとは調子ぬけする。エピソード5、Anticipatory Grief に共感する。

Been listening to Anderson Cooper’s podcast “All There Is with Anderson Cooper”. I only have one parent left, having lost my father 33 years ago. My mother is in her 90’s and still alive. I have been in “Anticipatory Grief” for 5 years or so. That is the epiphany. “Anticipatory Grief” is what we struggle with when you have a parent(s) who suffer from a dimentia. I am grieving. In honor of her, I am grieving. Already. In preparation. Sometimes though a “switch” would turn on and she is everything she ever was. As a family, we juggle the times she’s “normal” and times, when she’s lost or in another time and place and in whatever state she she finds herself, we must accept her the way she is…missing the person she used to be, in preparation for what? relief or grief to come.

Thank you for sharing.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

― Rumi

Beautiful People Healthy Food

Noriko Ibaragi poem

二人のコック  Two Chefs

憎しみが If a dash of hatred can be

愛の貴重なスパイスなら much valued spice to love

それが少々足りなかった 二人のコックの調理には that spice was a bit lacking in their menu

so that

こくのあるポタージュにはならず their cooking did not yield creamy rich potage

二十五年かかって澄んだコンソメスープになりました rather, clear consomme soup after a span of 25 years

でも 嘯(うそぶ)きましょう Prenting as though to not know, blowing on a spoonful of hot soup

おいしいコンソメのほうが はるかに難しい Making a delicious consomme is far challenging

そのつくりかたに関してはと As far as making of it is concerned

Noriko Ibaragi

She lost her life’s partner when she was 48.

Dosa night full of spice here … no consomme tonight !
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Birthday in Tokyo

TREATS! Celebrating duel March birthdays – Chirashi sushi so beautiful – Wajima laquer bowl so beautiful …Friendship so appreciated – Gochisousama:)

Signs of being very stressed – tightened jaws, stiff shoulders, tight hips, shallow breathing, insomnia, odd pain at lower back … waking up in the morning already tired… still … employing all my knowledge from yoga therapeutics towards self-care to put on a happy face. To carry on.

With intentions to make my mother’s sunset time of life, hopefully a better one has given me a renewed sense of purpose. And at all times, what’s most effective in combatting this overwhelming energy drain for a reboot is through … Gratitude … Challenging times made a bit less painful, thanks to family and friends – forever grateful. Glad to be able to reciprocate those I owe so much gratitude to, one at a time, sharing. I would not have made it without going insane or seriously sick without your support. Arigato!!