Pre-Covid regular classes @ Bay Club; Yoga Health Center; SRI International; Menlo Park Rec Center, Nandi Yoga… etc. where I bow with deep gratitude for the training and teaching opportunities back when I was so green:)
During Covid: tried teaching online – thank you for the opportunity, Yoga is Youthfulness, Mt. View
Currently: Commuting to Asia …
Semi-privates & Privates !
I finally have some available slots to offer for private yoga lessons for that unique individual’s specific goals and needs – If interested, please contact me, so we can design and customize the sessions that optimizes your health and work together as you would with a personal trainer. It’s a program for specific goals you set. Basically, a personal trainer with a yoga twist and props and techniques. We start with a detailed “assessment”. Msg if interested in a serious program:
You can get back to your group classes sooner with some detailed instructions; rejoin the community of your choosing with more ease and grace so you can be fully present to absorb the teachings at a full capacity:)
During my Shin-Rin Ryoku* I flipped into Urdva Dhanurasana – in gratitude for the healing powers of my body. Imagine, only few years ago, my lower back was SO PAINFUL after a trans-pacific flight to Asia, I had to stagger into a Chinese Medicine physical therapist in Tokyo (actually he kindly made a house call) He, with his magic fingers palpating, vertebrae at a time, he “fixed” me:) So thank goodness, almost 80% of the wheel I used to be able to do has returned … but see how I do not crunch my lumbar spine here. I no longer go into any pose with “intensity” or “force” but only with ease and comfort. Yes, techniques and alignment focus is sooo important. In gratitude for the healing powers, the intelligence we have within.
AND Yoga I have taken up seriously because when I was fixed, I had two thoughts, two take-aways: (1) gratitude; (2) I thought to myself, what if I could fix myself without relying on a house call by a doctor – what if I had the power and knowledge to prevent and/or fix my own body-temple. How about self-maintenance that sustains me in all stages of life? How can I better tend to my own wellness and be attuned to its needs? Thus, began the inside-out transformation, this journey.
For public, corporate, semi-private & private sessions – contact:
Taking time out for yourself is not a waste of time nor,
is it a luxury or self-indulgent, it’s a necessity!”
– Judith H. Lasater
Partial list of Workshops & Intensives Completed:
- Maty Ezraty’s “Blue-Print Asana” master-course intensives
- Shiva Rea – vinyasa workshop, YogaWorks
- “Vinyasa Krama Yoga” Certification with Srivatsa Ramaswami (direct perhaps only living 33+ years student of late-Krishnamacharya, father of modern yoga himself)
- Yin Yoga Intensive with Sarah Powers
- Alignment-based Vinyasa workshop with Jason Crandell
- Physical Alignment workshop with Richard Rosen
- Fascia & Therapeutic Yoga with Bo Forbes
- The Four Desires workshop with Rod Stryker
- Yoga Nidra & Detox Yoga with Breanna Geehan & Jean Mezzei
– The Great Yoga workshop with Mark Singleton
– Relax & Renew Trainer TM Certification with Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD, PT
– Relax & Renew Advance Trainer TM Certification with Judith Hanson Lastar, PhD,PT
– Restorative Yoga for Therapeutic Applications with Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD,PT
– Judith Hanson Lasater’s Invitational Yoga Teachers’ Intensives x4 in 2017
– Yoga for Back Care workshops with MD’s & PT’s
Teaching, Assisting, Volunteering:
– Volunteered and assisted at Wanderlust Yoga Festival, Squaw Valley & San Francisco (x4 +)
– Taught & Assisted Nandi Yoga studio’s Yin/Vinyasa combo/Yin/Restorative&Family/Kids yoga programs.
– Assisted Judith H. Lasater’s Teacher Training Level 1 Summer 2015
– Assisted Judith H. Lasater’s Teacher Training Therapeutic Applications 2016
-Assisted Baxter Bell, MD, YT “Yoga for Back Care” series of classes- Baxter, being a medical doctor bridges modern medecine knowledge with ancient yoga teachings with such refinement and deep thoughts – He is an author of “Yoga for Healthy Aging”, a recently published guidebook for anyone interested in the long term, sustainable practice of yoga through all stages of life.
Q. Why a Private Session when there’s that class at the gym?
A. Privates are ideal for students who desire more personalized attention and customized instructions to meet their unique condition. And it could be purely for simple reason of just learning the physical aspects, the poses, the asanas. Privates gives you the opportunity to fine tune or learn in more detail the detailed instructions fitting for your unique physical condition.
It can also be ideal for anyone undergoing particular health issues ( weight gain/weight loss, eating disorders, back pains, arthritis, insomnia, chronic stress/pain, fertility challenges, PRE & POST -surgery or during treatments), transitions such as pregnancies, midlife hormonal and family dynamics changes, or just have a desire for privacy before stepping into a large public classes, or due to demanding career, etc., have very limited pockets of time for yoga and need a personalized program to maximize the limited time allocated for health maintenance and wellness.
All props are provided while some personalized items like your own mat and eye pillows, for sanitary purpose.
In time, you can regain your optimal health to rejoin the public classes with confidence. I do highly recommend the public classes for the community energy we create together- tap into that communal ripples of energy that promotes natural reboot and channel powerful healing – those intentions matter – we are, after all, tribal creatures. You can play a part in creating that sacred space where we breathe, heal and maybe even play together:) Yes, you matter – you serve a purpose if we believe in the tenet of yoga philosophy – that we are all inter-connected and One while we recognize and honor the differences.
– Hafiz
Questions and comments to: