
Detox with Home Practice

Zoom fatigue? Corona fatigue? Having had a lovely Indian lady exclaim ” I found my Kondo Mari” (hardly – I can be quite untidy) once after a class, I have come to realize the practice room needs an overhaul – declutter, purify and above-all – CHANGE the energy; the flow. But HOW?

This is the BEFORE image … Making Space … Clearing

What is the glaring eye-sore? Yes, the wires, wires, wires, cables like snakes are all over, snarled, coiled, and knotted … so on the grid … Clearing “space”.

Eventually … we want to go back to the community of shared space. We crave the in-person non-virtual place of togetherness. Until then, clearing the stagnant air, undo the tangled connections, cleaning out the dark corners, combing out the cobwebs, dusting off, making space for a better practice of conscious, fully-lit life. This is – the “Before” – image.

Let me show you the way.