Here you go – another gem translated into English for you:
”女のひとのやさしさは Women’s kindness
長く世界の潤滑油であったけれど has long lubricated the world
それがなにを生んできたというのだろう?” but what has that produced?
”女がひとり頬杖をついて A women alone resting her chin on her hands
慣れない煙草をぷかぷかふかし blowing puffs of smoke, smoking a cigarette she’s not accumstomed to
ちっぽけな自分の巣と Going between her tiny nest
蜂の巣をつついたような世界の闇を and world of darkness as though pecking a bee hive
怒るときと許すときのタイミングが unable to calibrate the timing for anger and foregiveness
まったく途方にくれていた she is at her wit’s end
それを教えてくれるのは when to get mad and when to forgive, that timing is taught not by
物わかりのいい伯母様でも a perceptive auntie
深遠な本でも nor a profound book
黴の生えた歴史でもないnor a moldy history growing more mildrews
たったひとつわかっているのは One truth she understands is that
自分でそれを発見しなければならない she has to uncover that on her own
From “to be angry to forgive” by Noriko Ibaragi