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Most homes here have the Black Lives Matter signs … And, I want to say that while many get angry over rather insensitive people retorting back – All Lives Matter – a bit of education is needed to oversome the divisions. Maybe they are not only insensitive but they just DON’T GET IT because so untouched, so entitled and priviledged, they never experienced it .. racism… lucky for them, they never experienced being treated “less than” or humuliated due soley to the color of their skin.

For those, who require more education, I would have a sign that says Black Lives Matter BECAUSE All Lives Matter. Get it? All Lives are indeed supposed to matter BUT in reality and even today, that’s not shown to be the case, SOOOO that’s why the sign says Black Lives Matter. It’s not a statement that black lives matter MORE or less. It’s not about that. It is all about All lives matter. The question is, IF ALL lives matter, THEN, oh, then, how come not blacks’? How come there’s insidious rascism that does not value ALL lives, black, brown, yellow, red, I don’t know is there green?, white – all LIVES whatever the color should matter. And yet, that’s not the case – why?THAT’S the question. That’s the meaning of the sign. Black Lives matter BECAUSE all lives mattter. Even an unschooled child knows this, not the enablers, not some greedy power-fixated solely profit driven adults, but a child … wide-eyed, uncorrupted, beautiful pure consciousness.

So PLEASE do not rebut All Lives Matter – we know that – All Lives indeed matter, Yeaah, All lives should matter. Yes, on that, we are in agreement. It’s a given and it’s obvious. SO that’s why the sign, that’s the injustice. That’s why there is anger and rage and I am glad people on the side of fairness and decency is on the side of humanity.


Green Day


During lockdowns and sheltering at home

It’s time to cultivate THAT mindset to know that being lonely is not the same as being alone …we’ve all experienced this where you might be with a crowd of people but you feel lonely and disconnected; you may be alone but feel connected and integrated. When you feel lonely, do you feel empty? Fearful? Depressed? There’s acceptance to all the spectrum of emotions and

ultimately, we are reminded that we are human. May we find hope to know that only when we empty ouselves, are we able to FILL up. So it’s okay to feel empty sometimes as nothing lasts forever and this too … shall pass – just hang in there – joy awaits! Spread HOPE:)


There is a difference between loneliness and solitude.

One will empty you and one will fill you.

You have the power to choose.



