Beautiful Places


Spring Flowers are blooming all around us. Actually this season, I stopped and noticed that statement to the fullest. What? What’s this? Black pansies like BLACK? Not pink, not yellow but … black in … March?

Never seen BLACK pansies in my life … there’s first time even in the everyday. It’s been around but so busy running around, I just never noticed before …Things you never realized or took notice because we were just too busy … because we just drove by and never really took the time to notice the mundane to be sublime. Before.

What’s revealed that you hadn’t noticed before?

What’s surfaced that you hadn’t paid attention to before?

What’s manifested that you had in your consciousness before as subconsciousness?

What’s unveiled that was shrouded and clouded before?

With all the noise swirling around you, what’s distilled in your mind? Anything?

Beautiful Places

Why I love this neighborhood

Simply because there are little … cute things that adorn the homes nearby that I had again bypassed in the past. Never noticed – never quite paid attention and saw them before … just driving by. Oh, things you notice when you take the time to look and appreciate the little accents.