Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Things

More karaoke please…

simple, uncomplicated …unadorned gratitude.

Her voice is delicate, not powerful and her breath-to-breath intake is pleasantly audible … her whole singing is “resistance breathing” in action? Practically fading out, yet, the audience wants to hear her so badly, swept over in total silence as we put down everything to turn our ears to her. Each word fully enunciated, with great care and …tenderness. It’s not the Broadway singing … it’s almost like poetry reading – breathy whisper…Goro Miyazaki must have his father’s sensitivity to have discovered her.

This is an Irish folk song melody with … Japanese lyrics.

Breathy, feathery … fragile and yet purposeful … “arigato”… in gratitude.

あなたがいる  You are here
やわらかな光みちる家 in our home filled with soft light

あなたがいる何気ない毎日の中に you are here, in the ordinary day to day

あふれる緑ときれいな水 there’s abundance of greenery spilling over, there’s clear water
そしてあなたがいる and … you are here
それだけで幸せになれる that’s all …you are here and that’s all I need to be happy

そばにいるよ I am near (I stand by you)
風の日も、心迷う日も on windy days and even on heart wrought, confused days

そばにいるよ I am near (I stand by you)
寄り添えばここはあたたかい it’s warm here when we snuggle
あなたの笑顔が私の宝物 your smile is my treasure

こんなおだやかな日々が私の喜び my joy lies in days spent in peaceful harmony

ともに生きていく 明日を守りたい To walk this journey together, protecting our tomorrow
あなたとそしてすべてのいのちのために。 With you and for every life and all lives.

– lyrics by Hiroko Taniyama
– English translation by me

I know to some, it’s corny and for the sad people, maybe even kitsch but … I love corny and kitsch.

Beautiful Things

In Japanese:


In made-up language of unknown meaning:

Yoko Kanno is a genius. She wrote the lyrics and composed the score. Quickly translated loosely the lyrics … I cannot translate the gibberish – the second version, lol. How did she even make up a whole new language? She’s in a different plane all together – another dimension.

山の端 月は満ち Beyond the mountain full moon on the horizon

息づくあなたの森 your forest enlivened with every breath

夏草浴びて眠る covered in (summer) grass, sweet profile

愛おしい 横顔 of a slumbering precious one.

おぼろな この星 on this hazy fading planet we live

大地に 銀の涙 silver tears drop on the earth

繭たる蛹たちはchrysalis in cocoons

七たび身をかえる metamorphosis of 7 passages

青にLaLaLu LaLaLu染まる 恋し繭玉 so in love with sweet cocoon, a precious ball tinged in color blue

揚羽の蝶になる swallowtail butterflies are born

やがて宇宙をつつむ 無限の翅模様 their wing markings envelope the entire universe…designs of eternity.

いのち輝かせよ live to the fullest – bright life.

あの月 あなたなら if that moon above were you,

悲しみを写さずに no sadness is mirrored

世の揺らぎ見つめて bearing witness over the ever fluctuating world

嘆かずに飛んでみる flying without anguish

風にLaLaLu LaLaLu唄え 翅に月うつし sing to the wind, wings of light reflecting the moon

揚羽の蝶になる becoming swallowtail butterfly

揺らぐ夜に生まれ 銀河をわたる蝶よ a butterfly born into the night wrought with fluctuations, flying across the milky way

いのち輝かせよ ignite (your) ever brighter life

青にLaLaLu LaLaLu染まる 恋し繭玉 so in love with sweet cocoons, a precious ball, tinged in color blue

揚羽の蝶になる transform into butterflies

やがて宇宙をつつむ 無限の翅模様 their wing markings envelope the entire universe…we are wrapped in designs of eternity.

いのち輝かせよ ignite (your) ever brighter life.

Fewer in word-count but translating manuals are easier than translating poems, lyrics, any form of artwork that cannot be literal and word for word, requiring editing and rearrangement to piece it together … No machine can do it – only human. Google translate cannot do justice to the mood and emotions evoked …

Here, the image of cocoon is round, like that fuzzy balls of silk cocoons …mirroring the blue tinted white moon reflected over water … it’s an image and Yoko Kanno has the magic over ethereal image she weaves – she’s the weaver of silk threads that we all have but languishing in our hearts and minds. Through music, she awakens us.

Beautiful Things

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