To process so much learning, starting from the darkness in the lower floors to gradually walk up towards the light in the upper floors flooded with lights from all directions with the floor to ceiling glass… there’s so much light, the gorgeous vista … as to symbolize that there’s hope shining in our future … then we hobble back down to the ground floor, totally … floored. We are exhausted from the sensory overload after going through the history of so much suffering (racism, violence, injustice) and then … the triumph and contributions in the arts and cultures.
One of the walls in this space of restoration, reads “change is gonna come”. Thank goodness. In awe …Processing.
Let the sounds of water fall, wash over you.
Let the streams and splash of this water shower over you to cleanse you; restore you; rejuvinate you …
Still Processing.
@ National Museum of African American History & Culture museum,
Washington D.C.