Beautiful People Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga

Sports/Occupational Health Module

Taking lots of notes and trying out all experientially on my own body lab, calibrating the intensity and effort. You can always modify a pose …this modification works perfectly with rectangular long flat bolsters but with cylindrical ones, one should exercise caution (too high & unstable) …as I hold space, you are making space from inside out – so it’s all good whether you take the pose to the full expression of that pose OR backing off a little to explore and experiment the subtle sensations …as you stay with that breath, moment to moment.
Still on my long and winding road on my 800 hrs. certification for yoga therapy …a bit more – maybe brainy? than the 200 hrs. which was more about memorizing and teaching sequences already blueprinted – great for vinyasa flow practice for the wanna-be-forever-21 crowd – the style that packs the class – whilst Yoga Therapy is a more complex and deep, being a two year program so …feels a little like grad school only more gratifying. Finally on my last leg of this journey, having taught a protocol last month, then presented a case study this month and now… year end presentation to put together and … some makeup for the modules missed…long and winding road indeed. But so worth it. Imagine, when a student confides in very limitations, I am no longer scared or tenuous. I know what that person is going through and with empathy, still make a customized yoga practice accessible and … truly beneficial for that student’s health & fitness goals, whatever the limitations – it’s subtle & purposeful – to break through the limitations without hurting oneself. Without the frustrations over one’s body – getting out of the negative mode of – “not thin enough; not limber enough; not young enough; not strong enough …” that negative of “NOT ENOUGH” to feeling the abundance and love. You are enough in all aspects.

Anyway, just returned from my weekend in intensive learning, immersed on the topic of Yoga for Sports & Occupational Health. The teacher leading this module said upbeat, love this module ! Isn’t it less depressing than the other modules as we get to be, super positive, supportive, practical perhaps sometimes, working with and for PT or OT to give the students/patients more and more tools and options to work with sports or work-related injuries, pains and discomforts. Or just to enhance performance whilst preventing injuries that would put you out from the season. These tools can be used to enhance performance in sports or preventative medicine of weakened muscles and stiffened connective tissues that’s work-related to move beyond to reclaim our fluidity (& balance!). At any level, and with any intention one sets for the yoga practice, anyone can benefit from this kind of gentle but mindful yoga whether for prevention or for healing.

Our teacher for this module, as we had for four other modules – Endocrine System, Muscular System, Digestive System, Men & Women’s Life Cycle Health modules, was none other than, Baxter Bell, MD & YT. What’s very unique about Baxter Bell, the yogi or Dr. Bell is that he was a successful family doctor but got hooked on yoga (teachers – we all know that epiphany) so much that he decided to leave the family practice to make yoga teaching and yoga therapy along with medical acupuncture practice his full time career. He is said to have a good size students of men forming a line at his classes because he gets the men’s viewpoint and physiology; but women too, are also drawn to his wealth of knowledge, intellect and … humor. Yes, humor – plug for laughter yoga:) If he’s not making you laugh in the 20 minutes intervals as the same time he recommends office workers to set the timer for to get up and do very simple yoga movements, he’s giving you the insights as to how each pose or each breath and yoga technique benefits a practitioner in ways more than the anecdotal evidence we are given. For many – yeah, it felt good – experiential justifications is good enough BUT it’s really validating and convincing when one is given that medical or the scientific justification for that pretzel pose you are trying so hard to master or as the case may be … letting go that need to master that “advance” pose so unhealthy for the body-type and body structure at a certain time of one’s life. Opting out what does not serve you, pressing a pause button in self-care is justified with an intention to get back – to regain, restore and renew:)Seriously.

Baxter Bell in partnership with another very seasoned teacher, Nina Zolotow, has been sharing a wonderful daily blog with the yoga community for many years and finally … it’s now going to be consolidated into a book. Here’s that blog and here’s the upcoming book ! Now I know what to get my family members for Christmas ! Congratulations on publishing the much awaited book and … Thank you for the insightful weekend, Doctor ! You created an opportunity for much debate and discussions … and an opportunity to see deep within as some cohorts/students pointed out. What gives us comfort? What about discomforts? What makes us question and go deeper … even to that gut level to inquire within (Thanks to BK and our insightful cohorts with beautiful hearts who questioned our intentions:) Gratitude for this level of multi-layered learning of Self and others. Once “digested” – yes, at the gut level – and integrated into my own system through my own practice, hoping to share incrementally.

Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga

Encore !

No I have no commercial vested interest in this film – just what I believe in. Sharing for your good health – a film by UPLIFT, We are One:

A passing thought: I’ve been seeing really cute t-shirts in some classes – something like “My Religion is Love” and “I choose Happiness !” All so wonderful and if there was a t-shirt, I may buy the one with Daiai Lama’s quote to alleviate some fears people have that I have personally encountered:

“I’m not flexible enough” or that
“I am not into that spiritual stuff” or worse,
“Isn’t it pushing Hindu religion?”

So here’s a message. It’s NOT religion – go to church for that. Besides:

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
– Dalai Lama

That seems like enough to me. Nothing fancy or complicated – just sticking to simple stuff. And … it’s quite challenging as it is in this world full of fear and heartbreaks.

Loving kindness to self and all, yeah?

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Healthy Living Yoga

Fire & Air Quality*

Check your local air quality and take care of yourself and your family:)

A grocery store cashier and I struck up a conversation – he says he’s glad to stay indoor because he has asthma. Confides he’s had trouble breathing since 4am Monday morning when he was getting into work (they start early!) – then he says, I have nothing to complain though. Those people lost everything and I’m here okay, he says, as he bagged the apples and basil. There’s so much humanity out there. So truth be told, me too I say – since Monday morning, I’ve been sneezing uncontrollably and my eyes are itchy and if I am like this, I could imagine what inhaling denser smoke can do to you at the sight of devastation. We nodded and agreed. Praying for the winds to quiet down to give the Napa/Sonoma residents the needed relief. Dear Nature (though it’s usually human’s own doing even if it’s called “wild” fire) – please settle down and heed them – have some mercy.

Speaking of relief, the air quality of the studio I teach is so … PURE, I am practically in tears, so grateful. It’s heavenly when you come in from the smoke and dust. It’s something I had taken for granted – I did not know they had installed a special filtering vent system !!! OMG, just read this – I am tearing up with gratitude – I need this kind of purity when I practice – and same for the students. Breath we take is everything:

Our new climate control system is state of art and the best in the Bay Area. Designed by the leading industry consultant, our system combines the optimum ingredients of consistent, evenly distributed heat, cleaned fresh air and warm humidity. It also has CO2 monitoring, allergen removal and pathogen control. The room is virtually odor free.

The system removes contaminants and allergens before they get introduced into the yoga room. Germicidal ultraviolet light rays eliminate and destroy: Bacteria, Odor, Mold & Mildew, Viruses, V.O.C.’s, Cleaning Chemicals, Smog and other Airborne Pollution. The benefits of a clean air environment are enormous, clean air will; help prevent colds and influenza; prevent headaches after class; provide relief from asthma, hay fever and sinus problems; reduce fatigue, and breathing problems; and relieve sore throats, runny noses, wheezing and sneezing. In addition to constantly purifying the air from harmful bacteria, we also installed a humidity system designed to remove excess humidity when too high or to add moisture when too dry. As a result, our students are energized and can focus on their yoga practice without being concerned about the room environment.

Our flooring is anti bacterial, prime cherry wood look-alike, however, is in fact made from 100% recycled rubber. This flooring is used in many hospital operating rooms because of its cleanliness. It also has a slight texture for gripping during postures. It is 100% sealed and therefore easy to keep cleaned. We use an energy efficient gas powered furnace, NOT radiant heating. We do NOT use sweat absorbing carpets.

Wow, just wow in awe. I am so grateful for this place and looking forward to finding refuge there tonight to be connected to that “humanity”.

As I take refuge indoors, I am reminded how much I really need to get out of this smoke filled air that’s giving me a migraine headache and a sore throat. Being super sensitive to scents and dusts, I too now suffering from asthma as I work so distracted with a brain fuzz.

Praying – May we all have clean fresh air to breathe soon.
Mantra of the day – Inhaling Pure white light – Oxygen; Exhaling stale grey smoke …

Break out of that dullness and inertia with a fitness program that does not drain you but rather, recharges you.

To our respiratory health for all this Autumn day – Namaste.

*Told local AQI (Air Quality Index) reached over 100 (out of scale of 500) – while yesterday, it was 60 … for those with respiratory issues, masks that filter out up to even 99% is apparently NOT recommended as you have to breathe even harder with masks creating more stress …stay calm, stretch, yogic heart openers, stay indoors, if lucky enough, find space with air purifiers. Check with your healthcare provider if you need more protection.

This is a helpful link … Breathe

* Here’s another … LINK