Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga

Encore !

No I have no commercial vested interest in this film – just what I believe in. Sharing for your good health – a film by UPLIFT, We are One:

A passing thought: I’ve been seeing really cute t-shirts in some classes – something like “My Religion is Love” and “I choose Happiness !” All so wonderful and if there was a t-shirt, I may buy the one with Daiai Lama’s quote to alleviate some fears people have that I have personally encountered:

“I’m not flexible enough” or that
“I am not into that spiritual stuff” or worse,
“Isn’t it pushing Hindu religion?”

So here’s a message. It’s NOT religion – go to church for that. Besides:

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
– Dalai Lama

That seems like enough to me. Nothing fancy or complicated – just sticking to simple stuff. And … it’s quite challenging as it is in this world full of fear and heartbreaks.

Loving kindness to self and all, yeah?