Beautiful Rituals Yoga

This abundance…


A Heart-warming cozy class because… one sister brought her son. Then her sister brought her husband and a daughter… Then another student had saved a spot for her girlfriend. That’s what I call the real “sweet spot” – a VIP mat space:)

It’s just heart-warming to see that kind of dynamics in a yoga class. I really felt the mom’s love for her son; and while he looked too cool to be there – that look of being forced to be there at the beginning of a class – just doing it to please his mom-look. I so get it. After class, I was pleasantly surprised when he said thank you and left with a smile. This time I felt his love for his mom… anything that deepens the bond of relationships with others and with yourself… is a good practice. We are not just passing out in Savasana…(that’s okay too…)

Trying out different things in this class. After all, it was a New Moon evening – a powerful time to clear space and plant seeds for next creative cycle.

We plant our seeds.
We tend to them.
We care for them.
And receive a rich harvest,
from our fertile mind and body,
hunger satisfied, so nourished,
where creativity bubbles
after an “intoxicating swoon”* of
a rest.
Subconscious merges with the … conscious
seeds of alchemy sown in the fertile darkness.

With the Divine help, this harvest;
This abundance, we gratefully accept.
In gratitude – Our souls speak.

– Affirmation by …me … on your behalf.


Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals Yoga

In Fertile Darkness…


New Moon… In fertile darkness – we feel a lull where energy level tapers off. In fact, all energy may feel low – emotional and physical as the new moon represents end of a cycle. It’s time to plant seeds of renewed resolve after a good …rest. Clearing the clutter in your mind and in your surroundings and relationships. Clearing that brooding air of distrust, cynicism or even … apathy …and sowing the seeds of intentions. Time to set new or renewed intentions – Tonight. To raise consciousness. To dust off the old, shake off the debris – shape your lips like you are about to kiss a puppy and “fuuu” out-breath in quick successions – The process restarts to clean, clarify and polish until you find “it” again.

We can’t see the moon tonight but we know it’s there. Formless, shapeless or hidden, there are many things we cannot see, but … they are there. Many things we cannot see, invisible but still, exists within all the wrappings, the layers … covered and draped over … maybe even collecting films of dust…and unseen … but they are there.

With that faith, I go to find drops of nectar within. Should be SWEET:)


The image turns into actual sensation of warm nectar in constant flow dripping to the crown of your head – then the golden warm river to flow directly to your third eye – the pool forms and the pleasant weight allows the third eye to gently close. The inner landscape is lush and imbued with soft light – ah, what a dream. What serenity.

Beautiful Rituals Yoga

Lunar Salutation


While this is not the moon salutation (more like Surya Namaskar…)I practice, I love the earthy and yet ethereal visuals she creates. It’s mesmerizing – I imagine this as I practice – feeling the goddess energy overtake me:) There’s grace when there’s that intention.

The Vedic scriptures speak of the spiritual and cosmic importance of the solar and lunar phases. The Sun controls our soul, while the Moon has command of our mind. The interaction of these two planets produces changing phases of the Moon. Changing from new to full moon and in reverse, these phases affect Earth, animal and plant life and human body, mind and emotions.

Chandra Namaskāra is a practice of adoration of the Moon. In Sanskrit, Chandra means “the moon” and Namaskāra stands for “salutation, adoration”. This practice linked with the lunar cycles consists of fourteen asanas performed with the left and right side. The sequence of the asanas matches the 14-day movement of the Moon to the full moon phase and the 14-day movement to the new moon phase.

Chandra Namaskāra is performed 14 times, with 7 cycles for the left and right side, reciting the mantras of the Nityas. Regular practices of Chandra Namaskara purify vital energy that circulates in the body and allow to control varying moods, actions and other processes in human life influenced by the change of the Nityas.
The best time for performing this practice is the evening or the night when the Moon is visible.

– Mai Ram Devi

So beautiful … fluid … flow. I talked about the adoration of moon in Japanese culture as well in the past post.

Teach what you practice so break it down –  I may introduce each pose one at a time and then … will string them together for a whole sequence – I can already feel the soothing and yet powerful lunar energy… exhale, exhale … haaahhhh exhale. The mountain air was delicious – Inhaled with gratitude – Good night:)

No judgement BUT just for regular practitioners, there are couple of points that could be made anatomically/physiologically SAFER. Not everyone is as bendy as this yogini in the video so few modifications come to mind – other modifications are forced upon us by the limitations of our own body anyway – see her backbend ~ bendy like a willow ~~~

The Low Lunge – for Anjaneyasana:
She has her knee protruding; and while this is aesthetically pleasing, most mortals should keep the knees right above the heels for TLC for long lasting juicy healthy knees.

Standing Prayer Pose – Tadasana with Namaste or Samasthiti with Angeli mudra – while super appealing to have the pronounced hips in this silhouette, & not saying that her tailbone need to be tucked in or anything but lower back could be lengthened towards the earth more to protect the LB. Again, she’s so willowy bendy, she is not your average person who might be fit but do not engage in yoga hours a day but few times a week at most. Standing with integrity, with the natural S-curve of your spine intact. So until the muscles around the LB is lengthened and strengthened, best not to stick out your tail, straining the lumbar spine/sacrum region – the delicate pelvic tilt would be the intention of descent – even though again, it is so aesthetically more pleasing…the other way (i.e. sexier ?)