Anything Cute Beautiful Rituals

Life is an adventure,

it’s not a package tour.

– Eckhart Tolle

Never one for packaged tours – always liked to look at maps, study it (because I’m hopelessly challenged with directions – GPS was invented for people like me!), research, plan and only then, navigate… despite the “plans”, sometimes still getting lost on the way. Encountering the unexpected, good and bad.


“Butterfly Dream” by Nardack, Anime illustrator

Starting out the week with reminders from Eckhart Tolle:

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.”

Regular Sunday ritual of cocooning highly recommended for butterflies to emerge:) Allowing things to gestate within you, restored, rejuvenated … beautiful.
Last Full Moon of the year 2014… solo moon salutation to feel the universe within. It’s “an intoxicating swoon”.


Beautiful Rituals Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga


Cocooning, Incubating, and Integrating … a Luscious Me-time:)

– Illustrations by Timmy Kucynda

More cocooning, better chance our chrysalis will transform into a even more beautiful butterfly:)
Let’s relax, restore and renew …

All the while holding fully supported yoga poses for spinal and internal organ health.
Each Pose is a “Meditation” … the ultimate ART of DOING NOTHING and LET IT BE GOOD FOR YOU:)

• Light “warm-up” of stretches to soften tightness and melt away tensions – it’s not Yin.
• Recover flexibility nano-millimeter at a time.
• rediscover how your body can feel more expansive and spacious, freed of blockages, the knots, the tightness.
• You find your healing breath that rejuvenates.
• Your sub-conscious mind to merge with your conscious mind yielding more creative juices to flow – inviting yourself to tap into your own pool of …nectar. Sweet:)
• Virtually a Dream state …No longer disconnected, Mind & Body finds peace within and harmony with what’s outside.

The regeneration of organic Self through this quiet practice of utter self-awareness…

I love this practice because…I have always felt we needed a safe sacred space, what you might even call a refuge for reflection, quiet, rest and mindfulness in our hearts and minds.

I too grew up to feel guilty about resting – we have been taught that resting is not essential. That, it’s boring, and the amount of shame and guild felt when we are imposed with the push to always get things DONE – to be productive and achieve. And if there should be any spare time during your 24/7 commitments, we need to be WORKING more and more and if not, either we are lazy or even sick. In fact, for some of us, we are only allowed to rest (not the same a sleep) when we are sick. This is when YOU = what you do, rather than, YOU = what you are.

Think we can give ourselves at least once a week, time to thoroughly digest, nourish and rest. It’s probably the most anti-aging medicine out there that you can dispense yourself. I say this as I listen to a lady tell me how sitting still is SO hard for her and that soothing, reflective, quiet time she found to be VERY challenging & asks me – why? I suggest – How about a sweaty Ashtanga class then ? – she quips – Yoga is just not for me – she continues – I need it to be fun and constantly be moving to beat – need to be more non-stop active! I NEED a WORKOUT ! she flung both arms up with shoulders up to her ears, looking very Nixon-esque as she said this… I noted how absolutely exhausted she looked. It’s interesting that despite looking so worn out and aged, she is driven to do more, rather than slow down and take care of our biological, primal need to move with grace, then, rest. Rest so that … we can again be the best we can be when it matters.

iRest because I deserve that “delicious idleness” purifying my senses to live more fully during the wakeful hours.

Anything Cute Beautiful Rituals

Caroling season will start soon. Locally there are some exceptional choirs. There’s nothing like LIVE HUMAN VOICE. The human sound is like no other.

Boys voices change. So this voice, NOW is a very moment to moment fleeting sound. In other words, the impermanence of it all …If you gather all these boys from this video today, they can no longer re-create the same sound – that’s gone, along with the voices that matured. Here’s an example of angelic voices and … then their voices change and evolve. I will have some examples of the latter, i.e., the matured voices and respective varied genre – so many genres of music I also came to appreciate. It’s all good and it’s all… magical:) There are some music that cannot be placed in any one category… so lovely.