Beautiful Rituals


Make a wish or an affirmation today, within 48 hours of New Moon… Its especially an auspicious day today.

Partial Solar Eclipse
New Moon
Diwali Celebration:)

Festival of Lights on the darkest New Moon evening. Let’s light some candles and allow what lies dormant within you to shine brighter.

Here are some affirmations to share as you come up with your own:

*I choose love, joy and tenderness and open my mind and my heart, allowing abundance to flow into my life.”

It’s late so I must turn in – so good night~

*Sweet dreamland awaits where I allow the conscious and the subconscious worlds to bring about peace and joy within to be shared with all I come in contact with; may profound learning, natural healing and soaring growth and freedom take place.”

“I am not afraid to journey into an internal landscape where I may connect to the Divine to manifest positive changes in the material world.”
“May there be bliss and exquisite comfort in my slumber tonight so I may see a more joyful world with fresh and renewed senses tomorrow.”


Beautiful Rituals

Postcards from Mountains…

It’s intuitive – came up with this meditation practice when I realized my name is about nature – as I was bestowed with a name that literally means – “the Ocean & the Mountain”, feeling a bit Native-American-ish, it’s also very Japanese whose culture and tradition almost has an obsessiveness about its admiration for nature while its economy must always striving to be at the forefront of technology. It’s that longing to go to that place, there’s that calling from the mountains and the oceans… and I am not alone – for all of us – but most of us just can’t get there too busy in our daily lives filled with pressures of deadlines and productivity. Ignoring call of the “wild”, blazing ahead or spinning lost or floating about aimless … Or that we are too busy caring for everything but what’s most important – so this practice takes you back to a place where your prana is recharged – that place of nature within – so that you can see more with your creative intuition, your innate instincts.



Centered and Grounded,

Visualize yourself as a Mountain. that “Yama”, the summit reaching for the celestial heavens, Up and up
while your seat is cradled and supported, as your roots grow deeper and deeper into this Mother Earth.
Like a mountain, you are firmly grounded.

Solid, Noble, Authentic…Natural and all times, at ease.
with eons to look back on the past, but always present.
There have been many nights of
Darkness Of New Moon – then seeing the sliver of light, sliver of crescent moon, then half, full, then waning back to
… crescent moon – the perpetual cycle…
There have been many days of
Brightness, seeing the sunrise, sunset,
then again moon above and the stars, some nights
meteor showers falling.
seeing every weather patterns from sunny blue skies
to stormy nights and blizzards from

time immemorial.

And still here, with grace,

firmly rooted into the earth and sitting tall, it’s summit, your crown of the head reaching up and up…



Let us be a here, present, solid and noble like a mountain…
here and now, sitting still
with inner gaze infused with soft light
seeing even more clearly with each breath…
inner landscape bathed in soft light,
becoming even more lucid with each soft breath.

sitting still
feel the warm glow radiate from your core to reach the entire heart center.
soft, softer, softest reaches of your entire being, upright and


Let’s just be.




Namaste – Have weaved together a completed version of this meditation and few others to share upon request but this partial script (hate to use this word – things scripted is so… how shall I say… fake, artificial, unauthentic?) gives you the idea and steps – Always welcome to share this with anyone or any meditation groups you lead – spread the love – and let more peace prevail within for each and everyone of us. Let me know what happens.

ah, and next time you see me, you can call me “Mountain”… oh, wait, that’s just half of me – smile –
Then call me “Ocean”…”Sea”-san? “Yama-san” Lost in translation… lost in words.

In honor of Indigenous People’s Day – for the rest of the country, it’s Columbus Day holiday perhaps but in Berkeley, it’s honored as Indigenous People’s Day…Americas’ Indigenous People would be Native Americans or loosely and incorrectly called Indians. ‘American’ Indians – In honor of their wisdom.

Beautiful Rituals Healthy Living Yoga

Finding Peace…


In Child’s Pose.