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Birthday in Tokyo

TREATS! Celebrating duel March birthdays – Chirashi sushi so beautiful – Wajima laquer bowl so beautiful …Friendship so appreciated – Gochisousama:)

Signs of being very stressed – tightened jaws, stiff shoulders, tight hips, shallow breathing, insomnia, odd pain at lower back … waking up in the morning already tired… still … employing all my knowledge from yoga therapeutics towards self-care to put on a happy face. To carry on.

With intentions to make my mother’s sunset time of life, hopefully a better one has given me a renewed sense of purpose. And at all times, what’s most effective in combatting this overwhelming energy drain for a reboot is through … Gratitude … Challenging times made a bit less painful, thanks to family and friends – forever grateful. Glad to be able to reciprocate those I owe so much gratitude to, one at a time, sharing. I would not have made it without going insane or seriously sick without your support. Arigato!!

Anything Cute Beautiful Deeds Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals Healthy Food

Thank you M-san

Keeps the evil out goodness in. I believe it.

Thanks to this Garlic & Herbs braid, we get to keep our blood flowing circulating to nourish trillion + cells in our body …

I believe in the power of


Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things

Feasting my Eyes