
Bikram’s San Francisco appearance CANCELLED…

Hot Yoga founder & sensation, Bikram Choudhury is coming to San Francisco…. CANCELED

To those who had marked off the calender for Sunday, September 29, 2013 from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM (PDT) in anticipation to actually experience the presence of international hot yoga school’s founder… Well, now that day is freed from the self-proclaimed “torture chamber”.  What are we to do?  How about doing something completely the opposite.

What’s opposite of suffering a lot of heat, crammed into a room, sweating – and working SO hard?  Making the EFFORT!

To be effortless … Dropping into doing nothing and by doing nothing, gaining something.  It is a tough proposition since we attach self-worth to “doing” rather than “being.”  Seems we seek out the “torture chamber” willingly in hopes of some salvation, rather than face the fear that we might be worth nothing if we did nothing. It is an attachment we can’t let go.

Healthy Food

Natural Thirst Quencher

So far, by far the best coconut water I have come across at Squaw Valley – reminded me of my recent article, 50 Benefits of Coconuts!

CoCo libre oxoxox Loved the pineapple coconut water – it’s organic and sooooo refreshing!

“Drink Two and Call Me in the Morning!” way better than Aspirin for dehydration induced headaches… Feel way better soon:) Packed with electrolytes… K, Na, Mg, Ca and P…we need them!




In Teacher Training Intensive…

In Teacher Training all week for Advance? Level yoga teacher certification – To prepare last week, I checked into an anatomy course feeling that need from the basic level course. In the original course, my eyes glazed over from too many ??? moments, then went back to rereading her anatomy book. Got a little clearer – then came the crash course anatomy weekend – refresher- to really prepare as I want to be fluent in this “language” as well.

I am so in awe with a teacher who has this vast in-depth of knowledge and incredible sharp eyes for noticing the subtle intricacies of one’s body – it’s like she has this X-Ray vision. It must come from a true understanding about human physiology, kinesiology, and… experience. I mean, I do not know of anyone like her in the West – 42 years of teaching yoga! Just in utter awe and respect. When I say experience, actually I am not referring to classroom experience but more about her true life experience of someone who lived and is living an authentic life as a daughter, sister, wife and a mother, and a grandmother. Moreover, even as or more important as that classroom and life experience, is her intuitive understanding of human nature.

I relish every moment and feel so present when I am with this teacher. Perhaps because I had lost it due to the excuse of being “too busy”, I love her attention to detail whether it be about femur bones or hamstrings or… handling of props… First time I was exposed to her loving ways with a simple act of folding a blanket to such detail, that act actually reminded me of the way my late-grandmother used to fold the silk Obi and Kimono with such grace and care and … yes, refined attention to detail. You call that “mindful” in today’s speak. Then last night, I imagined that we are all a Princess from that fairy tale, “Princess and the Pea”. We are all sensitive. Royally sensitive, yes, we are. Those details do matter for us to be comfortable and at ease as we embody our body. She can uncover that pea under the layers that will give you fitful sleep!  And I hope to learn that technique from this master:)

Yesterday she says: Are you learning? I just want to give all I know to you. And so she gives and gives.

So blessed are we. A teacher appears when a student is ready – it’s just like she said.

This rings true: “As a teacher, you can’t teach anyone anything. A teacher just creates an environment in which people learn”. Per Judith, that environment is that of “respect, safety, and mutuality”. I further interpret that to mean that you cannot create the desire, only a student can create that desire, the thirst for knowledge, the motivation for change, the action. You are just a conduit. The teacher is the one holding a mirror on students’ path so they can see themselves and the well lit path. They can still stumble but … they now have the strength to get up and go even further. Illuminating.

*Placed a question mark after the word, “Advance” – I mean, is there really an Advance level? What I really mean is that it is more – just more. MORE in-depth and covering MORE applications to cover MORE situations and MORE cases. The students there are really intent on using this methodology to help people find MORE ease and joy in embodying their body to achieve optimal health. Advance? Actually, it’s quite basic.