Beautiful People


On this anniversary, thousands of people, more eloquent than I, will report and write about that day.  I was lucky not to personally know anyone who died on 9/11 and can provide no words of wisdom, understanding or comfort to those who unimaginably suffered the loss of their husband, wife, child, sister, brother, mother or father.  But that does not mean those of us not personally affected remain untouched.  As Americans, each of us was affected, if not forever changed, that day.  (quoted by Bernard Goldberg).


Feelings of fear makes you want to just skip over this day…So in an effort to counter dark fears to somehow find light and inspirations, Dalai Lama’s words shared on this day of remembrance:

To the question posed, “why didn’t you fight back (the Chinese government)?”, he answered,

“…war is obsolete, you know. Of course the mind can rationalize fighting back … but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you.”

We pray for the victims who are no longer in this world. RIP.  We pray for their families who must be waging a war within at all times. May they find solace and peace.


Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Yoga


“Yama is a ‘moral restraint’ or rule for living virtuously. Ten yamas are codified in numerous scriptures, including the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika compiled by Yogi Swatmarama, while Patanjali lists five yamas and five niyamas (disciplines) in the Yoga Sutra.”


Source: Devanand, G.k. Teaching of Yoga

And in Japanese – “Yama” = 山 means “mountain”.  Mountain tops above the clouds into the heavens, mountain base rooted into the earth, existing in both worlds observing the changing weather patterns, being aware.  I use this visualization when there’s a tendency to get wrapped up in turbulence of emotions.  Try it – Down cast eyes, focusing to the drishti point 1-2 meters ahead OR completely close your eyes to find your inner mountain. Breathe – Stand or sit tall and expansive.  Then find your baseline.  BREATHE – Allow your base to root to the inner core of this earth. Let’s get grounded to this Mother Earth like a mountain through the practice of yoga:)

Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga

Woman Warriors

I have been so impressed with those who are fighting the battle so I thought to share this data.  It highlights the fact that it is prevalent among our girl friends, sisters, nieces, aunts, mothers and grandmothers – all women are affected.  We are touched by their healing process made possible through early detection.  We are the caretakers always giving – but we can only give if we take care of ourselves too.  Showing up to yoga class is not a luxury one has to feel guilty about.  Caring for yourself translates to caring for others.  The recharging and renewal is what makes us, women, recognize the divine light within, enabling us to share and give the gift of life and love:

Q. Estimated number of new cases of breast cancer in the US in 2012?
A. 226,870

Q. Number of women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime?
A. 1 in 8.

Q. The overall five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with breast cancer today?

A. 89%

Q. Estimated number of deaths from breast cancer in 2012?
A. 39,510

Q. Percentage of women diagnosed with breast cancer that is herediatary?
A. 5% to 10%

For me, the last Q&A is a surprise. It is not the genes but lifestyle choices that makes the difference. It is believed that practice of yoga can aide in prevention as well as in recovery. Saw this booth at Wanderlust Yoga Festival – was thrilled to see this kind of education.

(date source:; National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health)