Beautiful Places

“I learn by going where I have to go.”


The Waking

I Wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.

– Theodore Roethke (1954)

IMG_0296_small slow waking…

IMG_0299_small Encountering Marcel Proust! Can I get this doormat? Or just new pair of eyes?

Beautiful Places

Summer in Vancouver – Album 1

Cool thing about the unique landscape in Vancouver is … that the forest comes right up to the ocean. In many lands, saltwater does not promote tree growth so forest is a bit more in the high lands from the ocean but … here, all these trees provide lovely foliage right up to the shores. Walking by the seaside hiking and biking path, one can look to the left to appreciate the vast sea … then look to the right – only to take in the lush greenery … view of trees, trees, and more … trees. Love the proximity of two environs… there’s no need to choose between a beach/ocean and the forest/mountains – they are both within grasp… it’s the best of both worlds without going a great distance.
IMG_0202_smallSo you feel like you can sit at this bench, with entire forest at your back, then feel the ocean salt water in the air and see the bright sparkly sea … and the horizon beyond. It must be spectacular sunrise and sunset here… it’s a mid-afternoon visit though.
IMG_0203_smallWater is clear … translucent.



Beautiful Places Yoga

Krishna Festival in Vancouver

IMG_0187_smallAgain, by chance, as we were going to this lovely Botanical Garden (photos to follow), then to Stanley Park for a walk by the seaside, we ran into Krishna Festival – Free vegetarian lunch was being served … yes, free (heard they had 10,000 servings that day); and “unexpectedly” it was SO delicious – more delicious than Greens or Plant restaurants in San Francisco (sorry Greens and Plant).

And so generous – with I don’t know what it was – some purple sweet rice like grains to finish off the dish with rice and well seasoned veggies and beans. There were books, displays, spiritual fashion …music and what do you know? Yes, you guessed it.

Free Yoga throughout the day! Of course. It’s Karma – by chance, across our lodging is a yoga studio, down the block is Lululemon and now … Krishna Festival. All by coincidence – What am I attracting ? No, I am not Hindu as I don’t have a religion. But like Emerson or maybe even Steven Jobs, I believe in the power of intuitions – AND the power of a person to undergo a change for the better, if there’s even a little determination and will. Then … you need a good authentic caring teacher, who is not about his/her own ego or greed but love that’s almost … unconditional. What is unconditional love? It’s not – you get an A on this test and I will love you more or if you get me this diamond ring, I love you but if you don’t, then not so much… no conditions – just love, pure and simple. Pure and simple but so … rare.

A bit of a contrast to the sleek, chic, sports-gym like yoga studio … here’s to on the grassy park, under blue sky …FRESH air!
IMG_0134_smallQuite low key – students come and go – here are pretty athletic guys … teachers appear to rotate in and out too:




Here’s lovely family – mom and dad with their daughter and now another yoga instructor has slipped in… a perpetual sun salutation – 108 times for sure by the time this day is over – do what you can – no pressure. Come and go as you please – literally … no attachment. Joy for the moment and move on.


Realized that one can be spiritual but not necessarily have a declared religion after all … I was brought up Christian but lately, I’d like to say I embrace all – Wait, no, I do have one – it clicked “Ahh, haa (ahh, sooo), this is it!” when I heard it – I share this “religion”…

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

– Dalai Lama

Simple? We all know it might be simply put, but very very difficult to be kind sometimes – to be compassionate towards others, much less to Self, faced with emotions of fear, thoughts and concerns for greed, anger, etc. Being human, we suffer, so it’s a constant reminder and a practice. Ohhh, I also believe in the trees…Admittedly, I’m a tree hugging hippie – It’s the Japanese soul in me:) This is easier to put in action than to be “kind” in a true sense of the word – just breathing in Oxygen and exhaling Carbon Dioxide for them to thrive:) What a symbiotic relationship – it’s … virtually perfect.


Don’t care if passerby think I’m weird. Truth be known – I am.
So grounding in the true sense of the word…
in Stanley Park
in Nitobe Memorial Japanese Garden