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“Way of Artist is Way of Buddha”

Shoko Kanazawa … she never grew up:) But nevertheless keeps evolving.
Guess she does not know that Michael Jackson has been long dead (apparently she can’t remember much – SO she totally lives IN THE MOMENT)
as at United Nations, New York, she says she loves Michael Jackson (& her mom) and her dream is to marry Michael !!!
My mother used to mutter something like, “ignorance is a bliss” but this is more like …

Living in the moment is a salvation.

Here’s an innocent pure child-like soul – She’s an artist, a messenger of HOPE:)


Yin Yoga practice – AM or PM; what’s the diff?

When we say Yin Yoga in California, most yogis would immediately associate this style of yoga to two teachers who are known in that field: Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers. Both highly respected and trains other yoga teachers through their Teacher Training and workshops. With their tenure in the field, they are seen as the authority in this kind of yoga. Paulie Zink might be credited to be possibly the founder to this style named “Yin Yoga” but aforementioned yogis took the idea and popularized it recognizing a certain trend in the American yoga culture.

So … it’s all different depending on where you are on this globe – When you, for example, get to Vancouver, British Columbia like I recently did – yes, that’s Canada, I realized many Canadians look at this teacher as the world’s authority on Yin Yoga. A discovery …

Bernie Clark.

He debunks the image of yoga instructor as being this super flexible Ballet dancer-like skinny willowy yogini OR that muscular former gymnast super fit Ashtanga/Power Yogis. He sort of reminds you more the priest/minister at your local church or more of a martial arts instructor … or like a regular business guy BUT one who, like Judith, really dedicates his life to …the practice to gain mastery.

So … why not ask him this question?

When is the best time to practice Yin Yoga? Well, that depends …

Physically, most benefit from yin yoga, first thing in the morning – yes, when your muscles are stiff and tight. That’s when Yin stretching benefits you physically – but some like to practice at night and while that’s not benefiting you “physically” as much, perhaps, mentally, psychologically, it might be what you are seeking – Obviously, ideal would be both morning to get things started and evening to wind things down, especially when yin phase leads into restorative finale and encore…(I think we need restorative everyday because … I NEED to be restored each day:)

Bernie Clark in his comprehensive site lists the following as the best time to practice Yin yoga:

** When our muscles are cool (so they don’t steal the stretch away from the deeper tissues)
He shows a graphical demonstration of the difference between
cold muscles and warm muscles in on his site. Ah..Hahh:)
** Early in the morning (when the muscles are more likely to be cool)
** Last thing at night (to calm the mind before sleep)
** Before an active yang practice (again, before the muscles become too warmed up)
** In the spring or summer (to balance a natural yang time of year)
** When life has become very hectic (to balance the yang energies in our lives)
** After a long trip (traveling is very yang, even if we are sitting down a lot during the trip)
** During your moon cycle (to conserve energies)

& I would add, before extensive workout or sports engagement to prevent injuries. AND to give you “mental” strength.

Looking over the above list, Restorative Yoga may appear somehow related to Yin yoga BUT it’s not. The philosophy is different at the fundamental level. Yes, they are BOTH the softer side of yoga but hardly the same. Judith defined it very well and happy to share the difference if you attend one of my classes. Teaching both styles, I am blessed to celebrate the differences in these often confused as same, but different styles. I embrace both and incorporate each styles depending on what MY body and mind desires that day. Both benefits and both do different things for you – ALL GOOD. Like Maty says, I do not play up one against the other – it depends on the student and the particular need at that unique moment.

I seem to require ALL styles of yoga – I do vinyasa flow; then hatha/Iyengar, incorporate Yin yoga in there – THEN in the end, integrate all into Restorative Yoga so that I find my way to a more natural and intuitive meditation practice. Some may not care about meditation practice – but care mostly about what “gets me to sleep at night.” (A comment made by a runner/jogger) While trying out different styles, for me, as I am no longer an “intensity junkie”, I have come to regard some styles of yoga to be easily replaced by other fitness exercise… Restorative Yoga though is one style that is not easily replaceable because it’s …pure YOGA. Core Yoga. Not that kind of “core” – Yoga.

To me, Yin Yoga is more about retention and prevention; the stretching retains your flexibility, it’s a preventative style to reverse aging, maintain youthful posture, light steps, freedom of movement. It’s about stretching, juicing, working the connective tissues to prevent decreased range of motion, and so that you can perform better in whatever sports you engage in; while restorative style of yoga is more about balance of the nervous system, deep “HEALING” “Restoring” “rejuvenating”. It’s also about Courage, Overcoming (fears, anger, grief …), Recovery, support, kindness and acceptance.

It’s also actually about Creativity – yes, oddly it is about creativity. You take the brush and dip it in that dark sumi-ink. You make the mark on that delicate blank piece of rice paper.

Then you let that hypnotic brush stroke you made on a blank empty sheet of paper to … soak… until you see that image.


I’m not into this ‘Yogurt’ stuff; I just want to meditate.
– Bernie Clark

Rounding things out – rounding things out. With group energy harnessed for that intention for wholeness by … rounding things out:)

Different Styles…All Buddhas…


Summer 2015

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Photos from my trip should download sometime soon…