
Yoshihara Sachiko


覚めたとき わたしにはわからない

 夢のなかで みたと思った色が

色 そのものであったのか

それとも ただ 色の記憶であるのか

赤なら 赤

といふことばによって ふりかへる

するともう 赤はない

そして 今

わたしには わからない


生活 そのものであったのか

 さまざまの色の断片(きれぎれ)に ちりばめられた

ただ 生活の 記憶であるのか

夕やけのガラスは オレンジ色だと思った

シャワーの水しぶきは ダイヤモンド色だと

思った そのことだけが のこってゐて

水しぶきも ガラスも のこってゐない 今


        (詩集 幼年連禱・ 1964年刊)


When I awoke I did not know

if the vivid colors I saw in my dreams

were really colors

or were the colors merely memories of colors but not colors themselves

Red is Red

I look back based on such notion, red is red

but then that red no longer exists

And now

I do not know

Life itself that I thought I led

if life too, patched up and sprinkled with colors

to serve as memories of the day to day, a mere figment of our imaginations

the glass through which we see the sunset was color orange

the splash of shower water had colors just like that of a brilliant diamond

impressions of colors remain in our thoughts

but splashing water nor glass … no longer remains, here and now.

Sachiko Yoshihara

When her poem is read, why is it that my head swirls like it’s coming up from under water to above … to take a breath only to submerge oneself once again into bright swirl of colors. Blue is blue; red is red is red … It’s about our consciousness … how we live our day to day asleep or in consciousness. Do we live in full awareness of every color that presents itself into our visuals or … not. Asleep in colorless dreamless slumber … going through the motions. Forget & Forgotten.


Sachiko Yoshihara


   ふりだした小雨が わたしをさました

   暗い 大通り


Dreamy-Play Virus

I was asleep

The kind of slumber without dreams

Light rain awoke me from this dreamless slumber

Crossed the railroad tracks over a block

Taxis speed past like ominous dark spirits

Darkened Main Street

I looked around everywhere and nowhere

did I exist

I did not see myself but I was in the midst

engulfed in fear

Sachiko Yoshihara