
Persimmon vinegar & Kombucha making


Gratitude for the care package…

Grateful for the kindness extended…


Warning- Sunchokes aka Jerusalem artichoke

is dangerous. First time ever trying them without knowing the risks – literally, Sunchokes can really choke your stomach lining and give you the worst stomach pains and run for the … So in pain and up all night from we suspect Roasted Sunchokes dish from a takeout. When I finally recovered enough to head home, for public service, I thought to let the restaurant know or leave a review BUT surprise, surprise, roasted sunchokes with tahini sauce menu item had vanished. I suspect we were not the only victims.

Lesson learned – as adventurous eater as I like to think like my hero late Anthony Bourdain, it is best to thoroughly know any new food item you are about to try. And only have a little taste until you know how your body will react. I thought these roasted root veggies were SO GOOD and as I did not touch the Miso glaced ribs the others were scarfing down – no meat for me – I primarily ate these savory tasty new veggie, so in love with the taste of potato, artichokes, root veggie combination and a fusion.

Stuffed and happy until … 2:30 am – rudely awakened with this abdominal pain that intensified and oh how I suffered and suffered and … I am still on the mend. It’s as though this food poisoning ordeal had pretty much caused havoc to my digestive lining and digestive flora that I am still eating like a bird, mostly BLAND SAFE FOODS such as rice porriage … soups … plain bread (this I don’t mind as these country artisan breads are so good) and … more soup. Repeat.

Praying for full recovery from the dreadful night. May I once again enjoy the abundance of spring and be nourished.

*** While if I only had this choice – I rather be fat and happy than slim and sick. I have lost 3 lbs over this ordeal … be very careful of takeout foods. While I felt this dish to be safe as they were fully cooked. Restaurants – I know it’s a very challenging times but… really really still be focused on QUALITY and best not make it a time to introduce new “super” foods unless there’s been a thorough testing of the new dish on variety of people. Luckily I was able to survive the ordeal but I imagine someone a bit more frail could have been hospitalized and this is the worst time to get hospitalized, wouldn’t you agree?

I read that some chefs NEVER serve this particular vegetables at their respective restaurant, and that is a responsible thing to do.