Beautiful Rituals Yoga


Thanks to Mari Kato sensei, my aromatherapy teacher (the BEST), I have grown to appreciate how this alternative healing modality can be used to enhance my yoga practice. While lying down under someone’s expert hands on a massage table certainly is an irreplaceable treat – lucky! – when that service is not available to you – then what? Suffer?

What if you can relive the experience of relief and renewal with your very own movements, postures and positioning – rather than be dependent – rather be at the mercy of someone else to provide relief.  What if you could care for yourself routinely and bring that luminous self to the group class ? Such positive energy to be harnessed for the whole is bound to have a multiplier effect to benefit all. I term Aroma Yoga as my own new style – )practiced at night, Aroma Lunar Yoga ! Forms are calibrated to meet you where you are, mindful of this reality, that in this life, there is no such thing as security – if there ever was one, it’s a temporary illusion – and that’s okay as you know how to care for self and others in such state of entropy.  Yoga students know how to take care of self and others:

“Security does not exist. The more we try to build security, the greater our fear becomes–and the stronger our barrier to intimacy. And self-protection is an illusion. The more we bolster self-protection, the thicker our armor grows–and the more it hardens like a shell to enclose the true and vulnerable self which turtles inward.

In the desert of the heart, there is no safety. We can search, instead, for nourishment in the compassion that dwells just beyond it. And in the wilderness of the body, there is no insurance against injury and decay. We can seek, instead, the moment-to-moment tumult of sensation, investigation, and change that we often mistake for the body’s betrayal. And in the dimly-lit environs of the mind, there is little true reassurance. We can listen inward, instead, for alternatives to the default mental patterns that define us. What might this searching, seeking, and listening look like? ” – Bo Forbes

With that acceptance I practice my Aroma Yoga…Benefits are so numerous, you will be in 7th Heaven as your head hits the pillow at night:

“Aromatherapy is the treatment or prevention of disease by use of essential oils. Other stated uses include pain and anxiety reduction, enhancement of energy and short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, and reduction of eczema-induced itching.

Two basic mechanisms are offered to explain the purported effects. One is the influence of aroma on the brain, especially the limbic system through the olfactory system.The other is the direct pharmacological effects of the essential oils.While precise knowledge of the synergy between the body and aromatic oils is often claimed by aromatherapists, the efficacy of aromatherapy remains unproven. However, some preliminary clinical studies of aromatherapy in combination with other techniques show positive effects. Aromatherapy does not cure conditions, but helps the body to find a natural way to cure itself and improve immune response.” (excerpt quoted from Wikipedia)

We can uncover the trapped radiance within while allowing your

muscles to switch off to seal in this practice of mindfulness.

Bring your mental chatters to quiet stillness with some natural aides.

Mind-Body-Spirit come together …


Beautiful Rituals Yoga


Yoga to me is a RITUAL of ultimate self-care.

To me, it’s not about one-upmanship at a contest on who’s the strongest or the most flexible or holds the longest Ujjayi (“victorious” ) breath.

& why do I teach?

Because I want to share this special ritual with those on “this” journey of self-discovery.

In fact, I do not really teach…

I see myself as more of a  “guide”, an enthusiastic travel companion dashing ahead. That waggy tail going on instinct, who got so enthralled, just zoomed way past you trekking that unknown terrain ahead; then going – wait a minute!? – then, coming back to fetch you and guide you safely to this especially blissful vantage point.

A bit dog-like you might say… dashing after that stick – that ball – hunting with exuberance of a hungry young coyote, charging ahead hunting down … that…what?  You know, sometimes you get so passionate about something (a stick for a dog – woof, woof:) for me in this case, yoga:), you forget and rush towards it, pursuing it with vengeance, venturing further and further towards that destination (if there ever is one)… only then to come to my senses to realize that …ouuu, how I miss that friend I left behind on the trail.

This trail can be a treacherous but a beautiful journey.  A dog at heart, never been any good at being a lone wolf –  so I have come back for you knowing what I know, wagging my tail, with a smile on my face, panting (dog pose in asana, dog breath in pranayama!) and inviting you to follow. C’Mon!  I just returned on this trail to guide you to the next watering hole, along the way enjoying the view.  As in a cliche,  let me lead you,  smelling the roses…together.

It’s not a secret – It’s not just for me.  I want to share with the entire tribe –  I know where to stop and refill the water, I know where you can find comfortable lodging – and I know a lovely place along the way to refuel with scrumptious nutrients –  let me lead you the way. Let me take you  to those lovely “power” spots.  It’s an even more beautiful journey when shared with friends. There is nothing to fear on this path as I scoped it out for you already.

All you have to do is…relax:) Come along:)



Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals Yoga

Why do I love yoga?

When I first came to this country I became very homesick for something you may not guess.  Of course while I missed the familiar warmth of grandparents, relatives and friends – and yes, let’s not forget the refined aesthetically pleasing food… all that yes… BUT what I missed the most may have been something I feel relatively new societies with little history (2-3 hundred years vs. 4-5 thousand years…) seem to lack entirely…

What is it?

Rituals… I love rituals…rituals are what makes this life … meaningful as we trip and fall over in our efforts to find our Dharma.

It’s not only food and water that nourishes us.  We nourish ourselves one slow yogic breath at a time – one replenishing ritual at a time in recognizing the miracle in the ordinary. Small rituals are the medicine prescribed by the divine.

Rituals allow us to find what’s authentic…as I pursue my home away from home through the practice of … rituals.  Incorporate it in your everyday.  Rituals are centering… grounding… and… healing.  As I see it, many of us are TOO independent and TOO alone and self-absorbed. (someone said, to be alone may be a choice we seek but “to be lonely” is … what? )

Yeah, sure, you can just do restorative yoga at home. You can do any yoga at home alone. You don’t need a teacher nor a guide – just find a “teacher” for the moment on the internet… buy a manual, a book that explains all… BUT did you know we are wired to be tribal?  While I have my home practice of yoga and there’s enough DVDs and YogaGlow recordings… I never have to step into a room full of humans again to practice yoga; and yet,  I crave the rituals shared in a community of yoga students… that’s when it gets powerful. One singular intention is just that, one; but multiple intentions of many – a group intention is so big and powerful.  That’s why when people say they have a home practice (me too – been a recluse by choice), I wonder – have you been to a yoga studio lately?  There’s a certain communal energy that envelopes us there to bring about what’s authentic is us all.

Tribal energy is greater than a single independent energy… Native Americans knew this.

Message to Mankind from a Hopi Elder (picked up during my trip to Grand Canyon) :

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour. And there are things to be considered….

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for your leader.”

Then it is said that he smiled, and went on, “This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now, very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and suffer greatly.

Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.

See who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history we are to take nothing personally least of all ourselves, for the moment we do that, our spiritual growth comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves; banish the word ‘struggle’ from your attitude and vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred way and in celebration.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

-Hopi Elder, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona

While this may have been a call to “his” people, many took it as a call to all – to mankind. The messiah we seek is within us, among us… and it is comforting to know that truth.