Beautiful Deeds Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals

From Devi Premal – NOT to be lost in translation…

Many think that true peace is impossible to find,
given the state of human beings today.

And yet the source of peace is right at hand.
It lies in the absence of fear, and the replacement
of fear by LOVE.

This love already dwells within you.
It is part of the great Ocean that you are part of.
Therefore, the one that seeks peace
has a place to go to find it, and a way to eliminate
fear from the heart.

What is it that human beings fear?
The list is long:
rejection, disapproval, loneliness, helplessness,
physical assault, emotional assault,
loss, emptiness, meanginglessness.

It is a long list, based on separation from one’s true self.

Peace can only come as this separation ends –
as the sense of safety that is founded in love
enfolds every aspect of the heart so that the
entire being feels safe.

Before then, it is hard to find peace.

The door is open for this joining with love now,
knowing that love’s joining takes one into the arms
of the Divine, the arms that are forever present
if one seeks them.

How can we put aside fear and embrace peace?
By finding the Divine source of love within
and allowing it to grow.

The place of fear rejects this answer.
It anticipates its own powerlessness and believes
that counter-force is the only means of protection.

Counter-force is not protection.
It is a temporary sollution to the problem of helplessness.

All who seek true peace must find a new basis for safety.
The old ways clearly do not work,
and yet they are clung to.

As individuals and as a people, defenses are what
we have grown up with and what we know.

To find peace, we must begin with the source
of safety within us – the everpresent love which
enfolds all things.

This love IS PEACE.

Love allows us to see others not as enemies
but as souls,
created with the same essence,
striving for the same things.

Love is the single most powerful force that can
overcome the darkness that occupies men’s minds.

This darkness cannot be overcome by might.
Might only makes it go underground, not disappear,
whereas love and light dissolve the darkness.

Do you wish for peace?
Then become a force for love on the Earth –
part of the great Ocean of love.
Be willing to find a new solution to your fear.

Release the view of others as ‘enemies’ and find
a new way of conceiving of the darkness that can
inhabit the human heart.

Join your life with the Divine within you.
Let this be your new foundation.
Let this sacred relationship BE the foundation
for peace.

In love’s presence all fear dissolves,
the Divine is joined with the human,
and the heart is set free to create peace.

May all beings be blessed by your peace.

You are the Love within you.

Let this Love create a world of peace.

Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals

Miten’s words on Spirituality

Religion is for those trying to avoid Hell; Spirituality is for those who’s been there.

Laughter in the audience noted…Touche!

Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals

DEVA PREMAL & MITEN with Manose…Bliss

Hey, seekers,  Listen to this music for the soul… Listen!

Listen to the waves…Ocean of Love – There’s so much magnificence. Yes, there is.

*** B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L***!

Rather rare for me but could not resist going to see them on their US tour… not likely for me to go to Germany to see them – if they are coming here, I cannot miss it… so went to a much awaited concert Tuesday night with 3 other goddesses:)  Beautiful music, beautiful people…beautiful spirits. Deva’s voice is mesmerizing but had not realized the incredible tune of the bamboo flute in a live show – the space shook with delicate vibration from the flute sounds, bringing out the best in Deva and Miten’s exquisite melodies – the entire audience was smitten I think by the sound of this Eastern flute.

Manose’s mastery over this simple bamboo flute was so amazing, I naively purchased the bansuri as I heard another concert goer purchase both sizes – if he can play it, so can I, naively thought I.   Well, I have been blowing on it last 4 days … it’s a struggle to get any decent sound out of this very simple yet elegant instrument.  So humbled, I really really appreciate Manose’s playing even more.  It is not like a piano or a guitar… Just getting a decent sound out of this flute is not easy.  Talk about “it’s all about the breath”!  Just the right breath and the right angle, and only then … it happens.  All the more I am grateful I got to hear one of the finest in flute playing…

If you are having a prelude to that Blue Monday feeling by being a bit blue already this Sunday night… Just recite, “There’s so much magnificence” and listen to the ocean waves…that this song evokes. Ocean waves, azure sky, beach… sun… warmth. LOVE:) Feel the warmth overtake you as we thank the extra one hour we were bestowed this evening.

Apparently  “So much Magnificence” was inspired from one of Kabir´s poems. Kabir was born in 1440 and died in 1518. He was born in Benares, India. He was a weaver and decided to write because he was inspired by the Sufi poetry and by Rumi, a spiritual Persian mystic master.  We recognize him to be a weaver in a metaphorical sense – he’s a weaver of yet another kinds of material, that of words by evoking the deep seated emotions in all of us –  he weaves into expression with such mastery …Here, words are weaved into a luminous poem like this:

The darkness of night
is coming along fast,
and the shadows of love
close in the body and the mind.
Open the window to the west,
and disappear into the air inside you.
Near your breastbone there is an open flower.
Drink the honey that is all around that flower.
Waves are coming in:
There is so much magnificence near
the ocean.
Listen: sound of immense seashells!
Sound of bells!
Kabir says: “Friend, listen,
This is what I have to say:
The Guest I love is inside me!”
translated by Robert Bly

A beautiful poem…

Today I was reminded of beauty of human spirit as I witnessed artists and poets at Kids&Art workshop. Creative spirit, like waves took over in remembrance of beautiful souls… “so much magnificence” in the face of sorrow. Beauty, love and light triumphs over fear, grief and darkness – such an appropriate event on Diwali.  The cornerstone of Diwali celebration ” lies the significance of the victory of good over evil;… and the lights that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity.”

It’s like a non-Christian saying Merry Christmas so perhaps in the same vein, not in a religious sense, wishing all a Happy Diwali !  We all need Festival of Lights when the darkness envelopes the evening hours earlier to shorten our days… So Much Magnificence to this celebration of lights.

Waves are coming in. Amen.