Beautiful Rituals

Full Moon tomorrow…

Honey Moon – Friday the 13th  as written up, it’s a very rare Honey Full Moon we will not see this kind of moon for another xx years.  “Over the moon” to witness such a marvel of nature? Anyone howling?




Saa – Infinity

Taa – Life

Naa – Transformation

Maa – Rebirth

The moon represent our intuition, mind, creativity, sensitivity, and the divine feminine even in men (out of 46, it’s just one Y chromosome rather than double X ). The full moon, symbolizes a manifestation of closure, end (to a condition or feelings), change, and rebirth.  It is a time to reflect on what no longer serves and then to release and relinquish them.

The lunar symbol is that element of water.  In gazing up towards the full moon, we are reminded of our Source – the oceans held within earth, as well as the ocean-like water flowing within us.  Water flows, and can seep through any built up physical, emotional and energetic resistance.  In the Eastern belief system, it is said that wisdom of the moon controls the water and consequently, the cup of immortality that of water is celebrated as the drink of the Gods.  In Japan, sake brewed from fermented rice and purest water found is used in the worship to the Gods.  Many ancient and traditional belief systems around the world consider the Full Moon as the most auspicious time.

In Buddhist’s interpretations, there is considerable significance to Full Moon.  The Buddha was born on a full moon day.  His renunciation was on a full moon day. His Enlightenment was on a full moon day.  The delivery of his first sermon was on a full moon day, as well as many of his most important teachings and events over the course of his life – all on full moon day.  And… the Buddha’s death was on a full moon day.  The full moon is considered a transformative day – a day you go back to your source, your home – a “breakthrough’ day for enlightenment.

In the ancient folktale of Kaguyahime (literally translated “Moon Princess”), an abandoned baby bathed in soft light – is found in the glowingly lit bamboo by an aging bamboo-cutter in a bamboo forest. He takes the baby home to his wife who is overjoyed as having a baby had eluded this couple. Feeling so blessed, the aging couple raises this precious baby as their own, pouring their heart and soul to their daughter. Nurtured with great care and love, she grows and eventually, she turns into a stunning, beautiful young lady who brings good fortune and good luck to the aging parents.  So beautiful, many suitors come to ask for her hand bearing gifts…gold, jewels and power/prestige can be had – BUT she rebuffs them all. Much to the distress of her parents, on a full moon evening, the girl confesses to them that she is actually a Moon Princess and she has been called back to return to the moon – her time on earth was to be limited and now she must return, much to the anguish of her adoptive parents as they part tearfully… such a dreamlike fairy tale…They see their beautiful daughter off as she is escorted back by the lunar royal court who comes down from the celestial heavens to fetch her, to take her back to the moon on a brightly lit full moon night. ET-like? It’s a tale at least 1000 years old… Studio Ghibli’s 2013 remake of this ancient folklore is interesting. As it was released after the retirement of the famed animator, the legent, the founder, Hayao Miyazaki, the drawings just do not live up to the detailed precision we had come to expect from that studio… Hayao Miyazaki is missed. Nevertheless, a lovely story, insightful message.

Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals Healthy Living

Energy Management?

Don’t confuse exhaustion for relaxation, or agitation for energy. 

– Judith Hanson Lasater

Yes, been noticing so many “energetic” people … exhausted, adrenals shot, but UNABLE to relax…

Did you know it takes min. 20 minutes to regain para-sympathetic nervous system dominance?  In stark contrast, less than a second for the “flight or fright” sympathetic nervous system to kick in.  Makes sense from our primordial ancestral life style but have you noticed that lately, just lately …

you have not ran into tigers in the jungles ?

(just boss on power trips or road rage… maybe just as bad:)


Have you slept in caves of late with night watch guarding outside?

(just tossing and turning with monkeys in our mind…)


Let’s find a sweet spot in regaining our balance.

Peace is found within.

Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things Yoga



“Once each month, the moon comes all the way around in its orbit so that it is more or less between us and the sun. If the moon always passed directly between the sun and Earth at new moon, a solar eclipse would take place every month. But that doesn’t happen every month. Instead, in most months, the moon passes above or below the sun as seen from our earthly vantage point.

Young moon, visible a day or two after the new moon phase. A young moon is seen in the west after sunset. It’s a waxing crescent moon.

On the day of new moon, the moon rises when the sun rises. It sets when the sun sets. It crosses the sky with the sun during the day. That’s why we can’t see the new moon in the sky. It is too close to the sun’s glare to be visible. Plus its lighted hemisphere is facing away from us.

Then a day or two later, the moon reappears, in the west after sunset. Then it’s a slim waxing crescent visible only briefly after sunset.” (excerpt from

That new moon, a delicate crescent you see in the evening sky, is a time of rebirth and renewal. The waning and It represents a powerful time to set our intentions for what we want to see to fruition in our lives during this cycle.  Feel a fresh sense of re-charging and an energy of new possibilities at the onset of another natural cycle of change..

I can see the aura of people, the color and how with each progression of poses in restorative sequence, the waves of light around them slowly charge up – the aura strengthens in color and in brightness –  it’s strangely visible…They just literally “light up”! Really!! We are all balls of vibrating energy, sometimes in need of recharging.  In tribal setting, it’s nice to see that energy as we lengthen our breath, extend our lives so we can touch more people and spread that light, that’s within the luminous you.

In all things of nature

there is something of

the marvelous.

– Aristotle

It has been said that making an intention, more an affirmation, the week of New Moon sets your cycle to accept all that is positive and beneficial in life.  Sometimes, without knowing you might be denying and rejecting all the gifts presented to you – accept graciously and open these gifts, unwrap the present… Savor that “present” moment with gratitude.  You would be glad you did.