Beautiful Rituals

Yoga Works

There are many benefits to a Restorative Yoga practice, including releasing habitual and pent-up physical, emotional and mental tension. It can take up to 10 minutes for the body to calm and be clear of tension, the mind to clear of constant thoughts and the emotions to settle into a state of balance and serenity. Students often have deep emotional releases in the form of sighing, inner-smiles and sometimes even tears or laughter. The result is a sensation of feeling lighter and more present in the here and now.

It is said that the practice can also release chronic pain and bodily toxins. Restorative Yoga is safe for most people and beneficial for many chronic conditions, ranging from insomnia to asthma to chronic pain, migraines, and anxieties. It down-regulates the sympathetic nervous system and naturally brings about the dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby allowing the body to regain its equilibrium. As with any yoga or bodywork, food is not recommended sixty to ninety minutes before class, and lots of water is recommended following to help flush toxins.

Are you ready to melt onto your mat and invite your body to feel? Give Restorative Yoga a try and experience the benefits for yourself.

In my experience, it is most effective after a week of active yoga practices such as vinyasa flow, ashtanga, power and Bikram – the kind of yoga  that you work hard at.  Like life. It complements your active practice so that you can go back to toning your muscles and doing the weight bearing  workout and aerobics more effectively.  By Sunday, your body may crave the chance to empty itself to start afresh on Monday.  It’s a routine that refreshes and renews you – allow your batteries to recharge so  you are once again the bright luminous light from within… Be in that “space” that accepts you, the natural, inner child- you.

Look up Restorative yoga in your community.  Hope every studio has at least one dedicated restorative class to balance out the offerings of all styles.

There’s peace in the quiet, the calm… there’s relief… it’s exquisite, if that’s what you seek.

Indeed, you can have a home practice but humans are tribal.  There’s something about being in a “tribe” practicing together… We feed off each other to support and create a certain energy… I call it “magic”.  When us spiritual beings gather, there’s … magic.

Beautiful Rituals

Loving our essence – not ego.

“It is lack of love for ourselves that inhibits our compassion toward others. If we make friends with ourselves, then there is no obstacle to opening our hearts…”
Dalai Lama

Let your restorative yoga practice be a ritual after week long active yoga.  Allow yourself to “settle” and find the inner “sri” – brilliance and splendor.

It is said that 10 minutes of restorative yoga is equivalent to 1 hour of quality sleep.  I believe it as I am the test case:)  So taking my 90 minutes pure restorative class will resolve your sleep deprivation – me thinks.

Beautiful People

Walking on Earth

“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child — our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”
― Thích Nhất Hạnh