Beautiful People

Huge Loss

… he left so much as he touched so many … Honoring the work of late doctor Paul Farmer, MD/PhD. His family and students and team/peers must be so devestated. This is the kind of time when I hear my mother’s words “the good die young” probably as she referred to one of her best friends who she used to refer as an angel and a saint, late Keiko Yoshida… a beautiful soul so kind.

Rather than to focus on just making money and obsess about profits for profits sake, or direct huge wealth to the task of rocketing into space while neglecting the earth – in contrast, here’s someone grounded and committed to taking care of his fellow human beings. To have been gifted with someone so compassionate and intelligent, among our human race, is something one can truly be proud of. Another premature death, a great loss …but praying that he’s left many seeds for a better world. He really made a difference.

Adding to the reading list:

  • To Repair the World: Paul Farmer Speaks to the Next Generation. Ed. Jonathan Weigel. Berkeley: University of California
  • Reimagining Global Health. Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Arthur Kleinman and Matthew Basilico. Berkeley: University of California Press