Healthy Activities Healthy Food Healthy Living

It’s a choice

This is a lovely site – and perhaps funny to mention right after Oktoberfest?  But it’s Monday:  I have always been more of John Lennon fan but – sadly, while his music still loves on, lives on, in this physical sphere of existence, he’s dead … whereas this Beatle of Beatles is alive and well in this physical world for knowing how to take care of himself.  In spite of the excesses in the past, Paul has outlived few wives and stands here among us today … so I imagine, Paul knows a thing or two about living a long and healthy life due in part by the lifestyle choices he’s made  – Here.  

It’s also to realize how privileged we are to even have this CHOICE as many people in the world do not even know when the next meal is coming from and meat is not an option to include or exclude – we are talking about poverty and food shortage where if one can get one’s hands on any protein – rice & beans – it’s a good day.  So to even have this choice is a blessing and to give up some meat or all – comes with sense of gratitude for being able to do so.  For the privileged seems like not much of a sacrifice – so all the more, why not try.

Happy Monday !

PS  Paul has also revealed that his secret to his health – now in his 70’s – has been his yoga practice.  No surprise to this yogini – He admits he practices everyday to keep fit:) where he notes flexibility is as important as strength.

Healthy Activities

Oktoberfest table center

First time hosting Oktoberfest … so keeping the gathering under control and relatively cozy:) just a little over a dozen to show up ?

A cute mini-keg for a table center ? Variety of mostly bottled beers from around the world in ice chest outside by the grill …  Hot spiced apple cider and mulled wine … it’s really Autumn in California with fallen leaves rustling under our feet.

It’s so much about sausages, what could vegetarians and vegans eat?  No problem – Sauerkraut with NO BACON:) Replace with organic garbanzo beans and top onto tofu-based sausages – quite lovely.  It’s practically only once a year I visit this German butcher/deli in Silicon Valley to get what’s needed – the owner’s son, jumped out from behind the counter with so much enthusiasm when I uttered the word “Oktoberfest”.  His energy and love to help others spilled over to affect me in such a way that I now was in the mood to skip around –  our energy – aura is so catchy and I actually learned something about “teaching” from him.  His was all about teaching me about German food culture and an attitude of “I will take care of you !!!” “leave it to me; I know everything about this” !!! not in a patronizing way but in a way that fosters instant trust.

It seemed as though he danced and waltzed around this store as he made all his recommendations – must haves?  wow, Traditional German Egg Noodles “SPAETZLE” is made with cage-free eggs and pure durum semolina? (not for vegans, right, but great for vegetarians okay with eggs).  Or if you are like me – not rigid, not dogmatic – make some small exceptions when it’s culturally unique and special.

He gave me the recipe verbally and so easy.  Apparently he has helped locals put together Oktoberfest for last 20 years or so and he said with confidence, all will come back to him the following year to repeat the tradition.  First time for me so does this mean, I am going back to this gentleman every year should I decide to host this again?  Why did I come all the way here?  I am so against preserved or processed meats but at least, this place makes their own sausages fresh daily so no preservatives – in fact, must buy the sausages within a day or two from day made he says to have them “fresh” for the occasion.  He was dead against refrigerating it for more than a day – it’s got to be fresh to or it’s just does not taste the best – we don’t use any preservatives – it’s all natural – I see.

If you are staying away from meats, absolutely no problem – lots of root veggies like squash, pumpkin; lots of dark and light greens with array of colorful beans and peas – Mulled wine and spiced apple cider … local farmers market breads and …

Apple, pear tarts + vegan chocolate moose cake … and beer is … vegetarian.  lol:)

One of the guests was a 12 year old boy who danced some crazy moves – So funny to watch a boy slouched immobile on a couch intently staring into his cell phone screen maybe for 2 hours?  – then – surprise –  boom! all the sudden he’s off the couch and full of action,  teaching his dad the steps and arm movements – a rather cool dad keeping up – and me, a newbie into this Fort Nite craze – sooo crisp and sharp are his moves ! Mine?  ahhhh, well.  Google Fort Nite dance challenge (with professional dancers) it’s quite a challenge – I cannot keep up with middle schoolers – it was a harsh realization? lol –   They are fast quick learners and Hilarious to watch the crazy moves. If I were teaching Kids Yoga, definitely would incorporating them between poses:)  Get the wiggles out 🙂 Do the “Floss” then YOGA to balance out !