Beautiful Places

Mt. Shasta – caught in snow storm!

Woke up Tuesday morning to …a world covered in snow! Look up towards the NE direction, to see the mountain we came to see and feel – but just see more snow falling and … falling.

And it’s April…? Snow in April? as in April showers? Buddha’s Birthday celebrated at temples in Japan… If it’s Tuesday here, it’s the 8th of April there, an auspicious day celebrated with Flowers Festival…

Instead, there’s snow falling all around. Despite the grey overcast sky, each snow fall is so white and bright … there’s a silver sheen to the world outside the window. I was soooo looking forward to seeing the white mountain BUT not even a glimpse of Mt. Shasta, to me, Mt. Fuji of California – it’s snowing so much, the visibility beyond the immediate skyline is near-zero. Yet being right at Shasta & Shastina’s feet, in the town of Mt. Shasta, I can feel the duo’s majestic presence …you can feel the volcanic vibe in the air as you feel more energy stir within you.

Drove in last night from the Bay Area and plan to be back Wednesday night for the bright and early Thursday morning class…it’s about a 5-hour drive each way so actually I am looking for someone who can sub-teach my class as I lose my confidence to get back in time. Thank goodness, my dearest mentor and friend yogini offered to cover responding to my SOS plea so I am finally able to relax. When my car slid at a stop sign driving in the snow, my alarmed planner-mind was full of worries on how the h—k I was going to drive back in time …worried about getting chains, the condition of the car tires, the breaks, the road …so much to think about instead of appreciating the wonder all around and marveling at the novelty of this out-of-season snow … For me, snow meetup, only a second time this season – February snow in Tokyo and now April snow up in Mt Shasta.

A grocery clerk at the local grocery store – Berryvale grocery store(linked their blog since the recipes are nice to try – their deli’s veggie wrap is so yummy I am going to try to recreate it at home with some improv) – says they are bracing for a storm this afternoon and shared a weather forecast with me – so ~ my mind goes white just like it’s full of snow pack – then goes into overdrive alarm mode – anxiety over possible power outage, need for candles then, plus matches …snow shovel – it’s like an adrenaline shot as we walk in snow to get these emergency supplies – making mental checklist. Then … another realization hits – There’s not much more you can do outdoors when you have a snow storm (original plans to hike to this water fall is … cancelled!), is there? When dealing with Mother Nature, We have no choice but to simply wait it out. How about – Ski? Well, apparently ski resort was closed due to lack of snow this winter season. Ironic. So of course looked up yoga and tried a new (maybe one and only) studio. Their community donation base class was very cozy and lovely because… out the window … ahhh, small town scene of snow falling. It’s magical to see snow fall in such abundance:) Overheard how this is the snow the locals have been waiting for since Christmas! Isn’t it funny that snow comes finally after Easter while all winter long they had waited for snow.

No one appears to realize this but it’s Buddha’s birthday. So rather than snow, it’s traditionally more about flowers and coming of spring, called Flowers Festival … So here, I was reminded how snow crystals look so much like flowers. And so does water crystals. The reason for our visit … the water drew us here.

More on water at this spiritual place world famous for its pure water…photos to follow… I love the delicious air here; breath comes to you with so much ease. Feeling so blessed to be able to practice yoga at the foot of this majestic mountain. Hope to share some photos going forth once I get back to the Bay Area – out of the snow storm… I LOVE snow … and we need it in California.

So just wanted to share that I am not a back-packing camping back-country kind of a girl even though some of my trips may give off that false impression – While I love nature, I don’t love roughing it too much …once went camping in Big Sur and decided that any place with no fresh water is not kind enough for me – I am after all a city-girl so this post shared by George Takei on FB had me laugh in empathy … it’s me on the return trip from Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon… so grateful for angel friends who did not abandon me on the trail as I negotiated with my uncooperative body (I was so unused to having to eat so many protein bars and drink so much water – never want to see another protein bar in my life…) We made it though – by celebratory dinner time even! (this was after getting up at 4 am, fighting a stomach bug in the desert heat… and climbing and climbing …up) No, we did not get lost in nature – hardly. We had a map, clear directions and a trail right under our feet … just on and onward on the path we went… purposefully not lost, to return to the rim – to live. Thank goodness:)

natureToo funny:) Seemed like there were a lot of earthy souls in Mt. Shasta … a bit new-agey people at the hot spring but maybe that was my imagination and prejudices?
As for me? Holding up a sign “Happy NOT Hippy” – a bit in awe of this tatoo clad samurai looking guy who stepped into COOOLLLLDDD freezing icy water … Seriously wondered if he was an Eskimo in origin… I thought my heart was going to stop with just the hands wading in the super icy spring water…teeth chattering and shivers up my spine in my down jacket…SO cold after a hot HOT bath – but he steps in looking serene and naked (disclaimer – a total stranger – I did not look – really – too embarrassed so looked away – REALLY)…I cringe at the touch of the icy water and feel the goose bumps spreading – it’s COLD, isn’t it? Feeling delicate compared to someone who just steps right into this frigid H2O – anyway – the water maybe PURE but FREEZING – I am now AWAKE! Fully AWAKE:)

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Healthy Food Yoga

Happy Easter:)

Tonight, for our class, I read a passage which was also featured in my blog awhile back when I was upset over the hospitalization of Thich Nhat Hanh. Then later tonight, timely for it it Easter holiday, I did catch the last 30 minutes of that Japanese documentary of faith in Nepal that I referred to yesterday. It was a very on-hand, on-sight gritty* look at how people deal with human-ness in Nepal – believing in resurrection, Renewal, Resurgence … prayers of Hope and Faith play a large part in the day to day living there – it was about something universal, whether Buddhist, Hindu, Christian – whatever the faith, whatever we believe, it’s that innocence and purity of being able to BELIEVE – that’s probably what sets us, humans, apart from other species of life on this earth… Our ability to “believe” in something and find what’s sacred… and take solace from suffering. So once again, sharing when I get attached to the idea of sadness in saying “good bye”s. I hate saying good byes and not being able to see someone anymore so …sharing the sentiment again:

“This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without boundaries, I have never been born and I have never died. Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies All manifests from the basis of consciousness. Since beginningless (stuttering…) time I have always been free. Birth and death are only a door through which we go in and out. Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek.

So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye. Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before. We shall always be meeting again at the true source, Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.

― Thích Nhất Hạnh, No Death, No Fear – Believe this to be true:)

With under-aged little people, so just passing by to get to Cheese Board…
Making a lot of detours …because we are lucky:)
sm_IMG_6318A solution for the California drought problem – I love Berkeley:)
sm_IMG_6322A bubble bath?! ha ha ha – it’s the tub:)
sm_IMG_6324What’s on the outside can be deceiving… step in.
sm_IMG_6323This is what you see… inside the building … No, it’s not Napa, it’s Berkeley for you.
sm_IMG_6314It’s the best pizza I ever had…freshest pesto – flavors are just so SO vibrant!sm_IMG_6313This area is called Goumet Ghetto for a reason… sm_IMG_6312Gourmet Ghetto street scene during lunch with yoga-mat slinging passer-by…wish I had brought mine… I have to get my “yoga” in or …iUNHAPPY…
sm_IMG_6311a lively band playing inside and right outside alfresco dining on the street.We were actually seated right in front of the drummer on that bench but scooted out to take this photo during their breaksm_IMG_6317But actually my favorite is this hole in the wall Juice Bar from the 70’s(!) where line forms for their vegetarian scrumptious lunch that reminds me of Wolf House Coop kitchen manager days… loved cooking for some 30 people back then – don’t know how I did it. Guess anything is possible if you have a commercial kitchen. Was a good training ground to deal with any kind of chaos? Then run over to Shattuck YMCA for yoga…to find the nature of the beast…sm_IMG_6330Polenta with black beans and salsa option for vegans, or with cheese otherwise. Reminds me of my college years whenever I drop in this area… Nostalgia:) Memories come flooding back – for me – through sights, sounds and … scents of … food. Ha ha. Um, so who was trying to lose 10lbs to get back to that college-days body mass ? It’s all plant based; no meat so there’s hope?
sm_IMG_6243Haahhh a big sigh … some day:)
sm_IMG_6245Beautiful wisteria blooming framing their menu… a bit in awe – birthplace of California cuisine.

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Uncategorized

Easter… and then…

It does not seem likely in the near future nor in my lifetime to get to Nepal – the Himalayas, so all the more finding this Japanese program fascinating. Here’s a clip from this documentary that airs tomorrow night on TV Japan. Click here.

This facebook page has a preview video of a documentary that aired in Japan last year …titled “Death and Eros in Nepal”… that would be the straight English translation. Even though it’s in Japanese, I think anyone can appreciate the visuals and be intrigued.

In fact, after it aired in Japan, one of the comments on Twitter was …
(さすがNHKBS、グルメも娯楽もない。) “Shout out to NHK (similar to NPR in Japan), no gourmet foods; no leisure travel entertainment but a sobering documentary…”
(ハードボイルドですね。) “so hard-boiled.”
as the documentary is a look at Birth, Death and Creation concept in the land of the Buddha. The travel guide in this documentary is an actress who later touches on the similarities and differences between Tibetan customs and Japanese customs as far as Buddhist worship (esp. in funeral customs) is concerned. When it comes to religion, Japanese practices Shinto at birth; Christian when getting married and Buddhist at death – a joke but… it’s a bit that way… probably weird from the perspective of Westerners who are steeped in Christian ideas of birth, and then you die and go to heaven, if you were good and hell, if you were bad during your lifetime.

By the way, there was no country called “India” while there was country called “Nepal” at the time when the Buddha was born. Turns out Buddha was born in a small kingdom called Kapilavastu, where his father was the king, which was situated on both sides of today’s Indian-Nepalese border. His actual birthplace, Lumbini, is today in Nepal. So birthplace of Buddha is Nepal … while Nepal is part of Indian subcontinent so guess you can say that he was born in India. Buddhist teachings spread mostly Eastward through the Chinese continent and then even to Japan … so it is noted in the documentary how there are many similarities shared in the practice BUT shocking rituals unthinkable in today’s Japan …where there’s no clear dividing line between birth and death and the grieving for the dead is also a time of great celebration – that is something so distant in our modern life. The documentary reminds us how it used to be and how it really is: that celebration of new life is as valued as celebration for the grieving for the life parted…SA TA NA MA…It’s all a full circle into Oneness… interconnection we have sort of lost touch with as death is a taboo and scary subject best be avoided.

“Death is not the opposite of life but an innate part of it. By living our lives, we nurture death.”

― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

I might be accused of being morbid again… so here’s sharing of an upcoming birthday party we are invited to:) It’s Flowers-Festival – a celebration !
sm_IMG_6199 Buddha’s birthday coming up! Celebrated at a local Buddhist temple… Party time:)

What’s real; what’s an illusion?