Beautiful Things Healthy Living Yoga

How to Fly a Horse?

Kevin Ashton talked about Suzuki’s Beginner’s Mind in an interview which got me to look into this book. It is a coincidence, realizing that in earlier years, he was involved in London-based Japanese noodle restaurant called “Wagamama”. Wagamama means something like a spoiled self-centered brat in Japanese and … it’s a label that might have stuck in every Japanese’ teen years. As an adult, it is a word that immediately evokes a feeling of shame and guilt, if you were to act in any way, “wagamama”… it’s interesting to note that someone not from the computer science, electrical engineering field is considered a technology pioneer … Something new that works elegantly is really about intuition, ingenuity and … hard work.

My girlfriend gave me their cookbook for my last birthday – another coincidence – everything in it is very basic and easy and kind of goes along with the eatery idea I had awhile ago except someone took action to start something using the same idea vs. someone (me) did not and did something else that’s also creative but not in a commercial way…It’s one thing to have ideas but it’s another thing to actually take action and do something with that great idea…

What does udon noodles have anything to do with yoga? Well, notice how we keep saying doing a “pretzel” pose in yoga? It’s really a noodle pose – not pretzel – you are pliable but NOT HARD like a brittle and dry pretzel – let’s be more like a soft noodle in our shapes – going with the flow of your broth, swimming in its savory essence … supple …fluid, al dente but still, tension-free and sofftttt:) (Of course, we do need to challenge ourselves and strengthen our muscles and stress – weight bearing – the joints/bones in the practice but here, I am referring to the yin-restorative practices of release, nourish and digest – the integration of yin practices into the mostly yang lives we lead… do I make any sense or am I just making people hungry?)

udongirlOmar Dogan, artist, Udon Entertainment





although these dark chocolate covered pretzel crisps are addictive !


Think food analogies for yoga is not a good idea – I am now craving… got to go get a bowl of udon then have a dessert of chocolate covered pretzel crisps…

Beautiful Places

Majestic Mt. Shasta

Snow storm was yesterday – yesterday… the mountain was hidden in thick fog and clouds … invisible presence felt as snow kept falling…
Today is a fresh new day – Mt. Shasta is now clearly visible – so present, looming in the sunny blue sky … breathtakingly majestic.
Camera shooting angle from the town of Weed.

Angle from the town of Shasta so you can see Shastina alongside the Shasta peak. Shiva-Shakti-ish to see the two peaks alongside leaning in. Wondering what it would be like if active volcanoes were actually active… pretty powerful – Learned that year 1786 was the last eruption. It’s been inactive since…but who knows what’s going on in the earth’s inner layers. Sometimes so much goes on where we cannot see under the surface of feigned composure. Seeing people personified in nature …
sm_IMG_6655 UFO? No ~ sighting of airplanes flying at sunrise.


sm_IMG_6669It’s freezing cold… a dip in the hot spring would be soooo nice. Teeth chattering … cold. Making hot cup of tea with water collected from the creek… so hard to believe that Sacramento River could actually originate from such small spring… testament that something significant could start out with a small source …and it will run its natural course, flowing downstream to the … ocean.

Beautiful Places Healthy Living Uncategorized

The Key to Success

Doesn’t a water crystal look just like a flower? Or more like a star …whether it evokes in you a flower or a star – It’s beautiful:) Knowing that we are about 70% water, I am telling you – you have a whole galaxy, the entire universe filled with brilliant stars within you … you do.
sm_IMG_6692 Had to take a double take to these words hanging on the wall…

Success is not the key to Happiness.
Happiness is the key to Success.
If you Love what you are doing, you will be successful.

– Buddha

Sighting of a weird tree hugger … no doubt, a weekend hippi-want-to-be.
Later she’s collecting water …imagining what it would be like to be a Native American back in the days…

Babbling water brook … the sound of the water is just so … soothing. So very therapeutic for the soul.
sm_IMG_6510Get lost in the forest.