
New Moon Coming Up…

Saturday, July 26th…on the West Coast, USA
Sunday the 27th in Asia…

Time to renew or contemplate setting your new intention. It’s a magical time when you allow yourself the “me-my-time” (indeed, sounds like a cocktail?) and carve out a “time-out” you deserve as you re-start your cycle. Men and women alike at any age – To be intimately in tune with the workings of nature may be intuitive to some women as they are in synch with the notion of a monthly cycle to:

Grow & Change
Conceive, Create something new OR
Eliminate and detox what serves you not;

Cleanse, Purify as needed…

so that…then, we may be given another chance, another opportunity and yet another beginning…all over again.

Men and women are already on a lunar rhythm restarting over and over …we can renew the cycle again; and again; and again… each time setting an intention and then a re-affirmation of your purpose, a reminder of what you value most. It’s not a repeat; it’s not a routine – it’s kind of a rebirth each time – a fresh re-start so lovely, almost like a petit-reincarnation on a lunar cycle basis, and that, in THIS lifetime.

For women especially during the hormonal transition whether on monthly or on a lifespan basis, it’s even more essential to re-evaluate and change your pre-conceived idea of Madison Ave. defined “fitness” and “wellness”. If you don’t, Mother Nature is likely to show you…manifested as a tough “lesson” rather than a blessing and a gift. Sometimes, connecting to Nature, your true nature will bring about the vitality you had forgotten you had. Men have much to gain by cultivating the lunar energy to offset the solar energy often times set on fire – Too much dominant sun can burn… lunar energy cools down and calms the nerves and the mind for that “cool” “clear” headed you to re-emerge. Sensitive and yet strong and vibrant… as we were all meant to be.

Growing up, I was told by my late father that if I wanted be a good writer, I needed to read a lot of varied authors’ works; if I wanted to be a good cook, I needed to eat as much from various foods prepared by other chefs as possible (in today’s world, he’d be called a “foodie”}; if I wanted to be good at math, I had to solve a lot of math problems and … if I wanted to be a good teacher, I needed to learn from as many good teachers as possible – so, I guess that’s what I am doing. Students are your best teachers and other teachers are also the best teachers – anytime, any learning takes place, I am grateful. Special teachers appear in your life…some I revere while realizing that sometimes, life itself can be a … lesson plan. We unlock the secrets to the ultimate truth, if we live with attention. To not be swept up in one “perceived” turmoil after another – all the dramas – but really taking that deep breath to remain ultra-conscious with all five-senses sharpened.

Like with anything, if you go into something deeply and wholeheartedly, it’s another big mysterious profound world so full of things to learn, to pique your curiosity – maybe that’s why I love the practice that recognizes the mind-body-the divine connection so much (it’s called “yoga”:) It’s boundless and abundant. One would hope to live a life of that – abundance not of material goods but “abundance” in spiritual growth and understanding.

I know … I owe you pictures – photos… need to download… I too have a To-Do list.


A baby smiles between 50-70 times a day, and a toddler approximately 600 times according to research (!)
I’m sure some of us have asked ourselves where that smile goes.
What robs us of it?

– Goldie Hawn

I had never been a fan of Goldie Hawn, having assumed she’s a ditzy frothy air-headed blonde but I think I was wrong.
Like so many things, things are not as they appear – the proverbial, “never judge a book by its cover” lesson.

Anyway, what’s the answer? It’s a multiple choice test:)

A. Stress
B. Judgement/Prejudice
C. Fear
D. Aging – hardened arteries, hardened heart.
E. None of the Above.
F. All the Above.
G. Some combo – you tell me. Oh, yes, I forgot another one, i.e., “guilt”.

Was a bit surprised with this and took notice of the opener that said the stop will be “brief’… still, impressed with Fukushima version of “Happy”… :

So A-F; Stress; Judgement; Fear; Aging process or that de-ja-vu auto-pilot mode…and maybe feelings of guilt (How could I be smiling when so and so is suffering so much) I believe that with yoga, you can address them all. I feel compelled to share that belief so we can all be more “happy” … and hope that even at times of distress or misery…even in that “mud”, we can appreciate the lotus flower blossoming like a smile.


Entertainment… “Say it from right HERE with some s-o-u-l!” SO funny and relevant.

It’s with humor I bring this up but the belly or “hara” is the epicenter for your strength. This is known in martial arts whether in Karate or Aikido, etc. In restorative, with rest and digest mode, you really regain your strength; bouncing back from any setbacks – but first, you have to really really release and let go.

(Hope show of their gun does not offend anyone – I am for gun-control – the kind of success model in Australia could be adopted in US to save so many innocent lives…)