Beautiful Deeds Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Healthy Living


Resting cat like for now … until another day on the beach where she can again exercise her poetic licence.

I am a creature of this earth
I make my imprints
I care not
High Tides Low Tides
washes away my imprints
I welcome the repetition
Saluting the Sun
each time, fresh, crisp and sharp
molding the sands before the next
Swell of the sea that breaks upon the shore
Saluting the wind
I never tire of this
imprints are meant to be washed away
over and over, such predictability, the assurance, the security
knowing that the unstoppable waves keep coming
intent on living in the moment…untethered
face the sun, fill up with its brightness
drink up the sky
soak up the salty moist winds
frolic silly on the sands
with this creature
who sprung up with wagging tail
full of joy
alert and living this Now…
Unleashing this intention to live
fully, on and off the mat,
on and off the beach.
Imprints tattooed within.

– one day in the life of a canine:) woof!

lots of sand-dollars this low tide afternoon – there’s so much wealth deposited here…in our beautiful Californian seashore.

Unlike Southern California, northern California waters are frigid freezing teeth chattering COLD; blue blood vessels popping out as your brains are popping awake!
So plugged in – grounded ! (check this out- click here.)
As a kapha, wading out of the waters, I am going to find the flow, the balance between the strength and ease, using techniques learned from yoga and then a little (big) help from all the beauty this world holds for us; in nature; in people; in their hearts.

It’s not all so bad when you stop to think of 3 things to be grateful for today. (Reminded at Alex’s) Just 3 things. Each day. Namaste:)

Beautiful Deeds Beautiful People Healthy Food

Thanksgiving Invitation

A friend said, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday here – it’s the ONLY truly American holiday really. As immigrants, we all find this American celebration to be truly special. While many complain how they do not like the taste of turkey, etc. I have come to think that perhaps it’s just not cooked correctly. AND having had a vegan Thanksgiving cooked up by Vocal Vegans, there’s something for everyone on the table. It’s a celebration for all on this land. It celebrates the hardship people endured on the new land; it celebrates the fruits of such labor in a form of a harvest; it’s about sharing; it’s about putting aside differences and coming together. I love this holiday too … it’s about friendship between white people and the native Indians; and about sharing for the common good and … PEACE.

So happy RSVP’ed YES to this beautiful celebration with beautiful people.

Thank you to our beautiful hosts. Thank you for your generosity. Most of all for your friendship.   

Appetizer table full of cheese nuts spreads breads dips salads … 

The best crusty buttery golden rice and saffron infused rice tossed with special berries.  

So pretty. 

Spinach +Salad we brought.  Sadly avocados turned color but initially they were beautiful green:)

Stuffing , sweet potatoes, rice and … and mashed potatoes too !?  Oh my goodness.  Oh my goddess ?

And oh did someone say dessert?  Pies?! I actually had to pass at first but … broke down for a slice of cherry pie after quite a bit of belly rub!

In Gratitude.  Thank you to the beautiful chef and hostess extraordinaire. Thank you for adding in the European and Middle Eastern flair while serving up a very traditional American Thanksgiving feast. I always learn so much from other cultures and appreciate sharing the stories we each have.

Beautiful Deeds Beautiful People Healthy Living


The Lanyard
The other day I was ricocheting slowly
off the blue walls of this room,
moving as if underwater from typewriter to piano,
from bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor,
when I found myself in the L section of the dictionary
where my eyes fell upon the word lanyard.

No cookie nibbled by a French novelist
could send one into the past more suddenly-
a past where I sat at a workbench at a camp
by a deep Adirondack lake
learning how to braid long thin plastic strips
into a lanyard, a gift for my mother.

I had never seen anyone use a lanyard
or wear one, if that’s what you did with them,
but that did not keep me from crossing
strand over strand again and again
until I had made a boxy
red and white lanyard for my mother.

She gave me life and milk from her breasts,
and I gave her a lanyard.
She nursed me in many a sick room,
lifted spoons of medicine to my lips,
laid cold face-clothes on my forehead,
and then led me out into the air light

and taught me to walk and swim,
and I, in turn, presented her with a lanyard.
Here are thousands of meals, she said,
and here is clothing and a good education.
And here is your lanyard, I replied,
which I made with a little help from a counselor.

Here is a breathing body and a beating heart,
strong legs, bones and teeth,
and two clear eyes to read the world, she whispered,
and here, I said, is the lanyard I made at camp.
And here, I wish to say to her now,
is a smaller gift – not the worn truth

that you can never repay your mother,
but the rueful admission that when she took
the two-toned lanyard from my hand,
I was as sure as a boy could be
that this useless, worthless thing I wove
out of boredom would be enough to make us even.

– BIlly Collins

It’s never even and that’s okay. Happy Mother’s Day !

Whether you yourself is a mother or not, regardless – it’s a celebration for all as we all HAVE or HAD a mother even if you yourself may not be one. It’s about gratitude for this life we were given; for the nurturing we were given biological or not. One who nurtures … the nurturers are all super moms. Thank you mom, mama, mother …

& for the moms …

More than material things, more than a lanyard, probably what most moms would benefit from a couple of hours devoted to self-care, a space in which to unplug and be pampered …so that she can go back to learning and growing with the family. To me, that would be a very gentle but flowy, juicy “effective” yoga class or a nature hike followed by a “real” restorative yoga – any blend of yoga that restores our balance and sense of vitality. In other words, “Relax & Renew” …regenerated, moms (or dads) can go back to that place of strength and endurance, which enables them to be more patient, more caring and loving … This applies to all – We want Giving to be joyful not draining or done grudgingly as though it’s such a sacrifice. Some are just a natural at the task of child rearing, and thrives – For some, not – feeling an enormous test of patience where personal carefree freedom is virtually … gone or have gone too may extra miles to meet the needs of others before their own. But, is it really a sacrifice to have the opportunity to learn and grow with a child? From the bottom of the heart, giving without reservations … that unconditional love. To be fully engaged and …PRESENT. Takes a lot of … energy where routine recharging can only benefit.

Reminded of the Q & A session after his talk Friday night on graceful aging (happening everyday from the day you were born) and how yoga helps – Baxter Bell MD & Yoga Teacher was asked this – what kind of yoga would help boost the immune system? The yogi doctor answered, yoga helps strengthen the muscles, improve balance, and agility. Then he went on to say that for strengthening the immune system, he would prescribe a regular restorative yoga practice – why, of course. It behooves us to try different styles of yoga … mix and match. Find what suits you for the condition you are in.