Anything Cute Beautiful Things

$228 million? Me?


Yesterday, at a bank, while waiting for some assistance, a stranger also waiting for a customer service banker asked me,

“Are YOU THE winner of the lottery!?”

This gentleman asked, not jokingly, but seriously, so I was taken aback.


me: “Ummm…hah?” totally dumb-founded confused … “what?”
He: “I thought YOU could be that lottery winner.” finally getting the mistaken identity …thinking… oh, wow …WISH!
me: “why? Did someone win in this town?”
He: “Yes, a big one – didn’t you hear about it?”
me “No, I’ve never bought a lottery ticket in my life – How much did she win?”

He: “$228 million jackpot!


Whatever possessed him to think I could actually be such a winner of fortune? It’s INSANE!
Insane – the way David Chang, Chef of Momofuku would say… just Insane!!! Me?

I guess this interaction made me think about the image I project. I wondered:

DO I look like a 200+million $ Jackpot lottery winner?

According to the local news, the winner turns out to be a man and he “told the California Lottery he has no plans for the money yet.
‘I just want to be a normal man,’ is what he said. It is reported that the winner chose the annuity payment option which will give him the full $228,467,735 jackpot paid out over 30 years.

*** So now the question is – should I be flattered to think that someone actually thought that I could be that


And if you were the winner of a jackpot, what would you do?
How would you spend that ?
Would you want to be just a normal person or ?
It’s interesting to note that lottery winners are not necessarily leading a more fulfilled or happy life. Really.

Anything Cute

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Yes, I do.

That was my fortune from New Moon week outing to a Chinese restaurant.

I am not superstitious but I caught a cold and was miserable Friday the 13th. This is what happens when you are “too busy” to practice yoga – skip it and your immune system is compromised. Should have been resting but had to see that rare Honey Full Moon – so beautiful. It was an evening where I felt so exhausted – too drained to cook dinner, having sustained myself on green tea and half a banana all day… dinner should be a bit nourishing, I was feeling better and craved sizzling rice soup (and I put some ginger slivers from the Xiao Long Bao “XLB” dipping sauce…lovely for the respiratory blockages). Chinese restaurant is always full of 3-4 generation families, it’s a joy to witness such filial atmosphere.

I realize it’s quite kitsch for some but… I love the idea of fortune cookies – I give away the cookie part but enjoy cracking it open with anticipation of the fortune inside. It brings out the inner child in me, lol

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Here are the sampling of the fortunes we read to each other this Full Moon weekend:

“Help people reach their full potential”

“In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land.”

“Dogs have owners, cats have staff.”

“Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.” ?

“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”

Guess which one was mine?

Yes, the first one… of course.

What a brand name for a fortune cookie – “Super K Fortune Cookie” !?
How super is that?!!!
K is super !? Humility a virtue… modesty ?

Whenever I’m around someone who is modest, I think, ‘Run like hell and all of fire.’ You don’t want modesty, you want humility.

– Maya Angelou
