Anything Cute

primitive breed?

“The Shiba-Inu is a primitive breed, and a living national monument in their native Japan. They are not very affectionate dogs, but are extremely loyal to their family/owner. Similar to the Japanese Akita because of their appearance and fierce loyalty, Shiba-Inus are a great breed to adopt because they are small-sized dogs that are smart and loyal. They are also known to be escape artists and door-bolters…”

Not affectionate? Not true – fiercely loyal and just not very jumpy, waggy tail like crazy and lick your face-kind of smothering affection, he does not exhibit. Affectionate in a cat/tiger-ish style.


(- *this photography by me:)

Yes, excels at digging under a fence to find freedom on the streets, lounging in the middle of the street as a huge truck approaches head-on… No fear – unfazed with presence – stops the truck.

Indoor, they like to play with slippers and socks!


(- this photography by Ashley Currie from Pinterest)

We learned a lot from him:) Well, not about playing with socks and slippers. About stopping trucks.

(*note: giving credit where due and unless otherwise stated in such credit caption, all photography by me, the amateur, usually just using my iPhone:)

Anything Cute Beautiful People Beautiful Places Healthy Living Yoga


Gratitude for a heart-warming vignette on Thanksgiving Day, teaching at Bay Club. For the class I was teaching came the cutest 8 year old who accompanied her daddy to his yoga class. She was SO adorable and a true yogini at such young age (Her dad reassures me that she can take the class because she does martial arts:) My heart melted when in sleeping pigeon, she held her daddy’s hand. Second time around on the other side, it’s noticeable that as good as she is, she’s still a child. Tremendously hard to hold a pose, probably an eternity for her – so got her to change into doing mermaid pose. She became a beautiful mermaid! Loved seeing the bond between this father and daughter.

Then today, a mom who was in yesterday’s class brought her twin girls – Witnessing the mother and daughters practice yoga together was just SO …sweet. I guess she realized upon seeing the 8 year old the day before, she could bring her middle school aged girls. Of course I said. If they want to do it, not because you are making them do it – if they want to be there, then, sure. Beautiful mom who looked kind of like Shiva Rea – yes, that golden Statute of Liberty look:) A little different from yesterday’s class, but she did not mind the little variation; then a lovely gracious lady from Bay Club, Marin. Don’t think I can travel to Marin County to teach over there – a bit far- but thank you for asking anyway. Very flattered and hope you can come back.

There were couples, friends, and solo practitioners, regulars and totally new faces. Sharing the practice for the Special Holiday and Black Friday – not knowing what to expect was good for me. I learned so much about what works and what doesn’t from these students. Thanksgiving morning and today, when I got on the freeway and the streets seemed deserted, I assumed I would walk into a small cozy class of handful. Shocked to find how wrong I was – had no idea the Club would be packed. Members taking care of their health when so much media coverage appears to be about over-eating (gluttony)and watching TV (foggy and dazed mind), or fighting the crowd at a shopping center (materialism), I was impressed by the show of family love and level of commitment for self-care by the members. Just surprised to see so many people there but with that bright resort-like atmosphere and amenities, why not spend the day? It’s a beautiful mini urban retreat.

As I walked out of the Club, I quietly thanked all my past and present teachers, my loved ones who supported me and allowed me to take hours and hours of training and workshops so that I may serve people with care and competence. Shanti, shanti, shanti.

Anyone practicing yoga anywhere – We are giving ourselves the most precious gift money cannot buy – that of our health. In yoga, unlike other exercises, it’s not just the body, the superficial and core muscles, facias, tendons and connective tissues and joints,you are tending to but so much more; it’s about stretching our MIND & body so that we can be more “flexible” and breathe with ease, freed from pain and aches. Have you ever met people who are not flexible (body & mind), not at ease – rather stiff, uptight … with furrows between their eye brows and noticeable TIGHT jaws… it does not matter that their waistline is super trim, or that they are size 2. Their movement has lost its fluidity and grace … because their whole body is hardened along with their heart and their arteries – ridden with tensions in all aspects of their lives… BUT we have a choice. One does not have to live that way.

Beautiful intentions set this week – beautiful American holiday when young and old gather together … witnessed so much show of love everywhere.


Anything Cute Beautiful Rituals

Caroling season will start soon. Locally there are some exceptional choirs. There’s nothing like LIVE HUMAN VOICE. The human sound is like no other.

Boys voices change. So this voice, NOW is a very moment to moment fleeting sound. In other words, the impermanence of it all …If you gather all these boys from this video today, they can no longer re-create the same sound – that’s gone, along with the voices that matured. Here’s an example of angelic voices and … then their voices change and evolve. I will have some examples of the latter, i.e., the matured voices and respective varied genre – so many genres of music I also came to appreciate. It’s all good and it’s all… magical:) There are some music that cannot be placed in any one category… so lovely.