Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Healthy Food

Tending to the Fire at Shinobeau’s

Relieved to hear I don’t have arthritis or anything serious per my MD but my wrists and my left foot are hurting me – my left foot was run over by a truck couple years ago (freak accident) so of course if I over use it, as I have been in this training, I start getting that odd pain … so re-revisted Judith Hanson Lasator’s anatomy book, especially about wrists and I think I figured out what might help alleviate this pain. Lucky, that I get to also ask Richard Rosen tomorrow – he is sure to have an insightful answer, I have faith. In fact, yoga has been so therapeutic, and really, far more interesting than seeing a physical therapist as the whole practice of yoga engages your mind. I am not bored while the same movement in regular stretching or pilates class – or repetition in physical therapy can be so dull…Now, if we could only make all this into a choreographed dance for joy:)


Here’s an OMG moment: I’ve always felt that arthritis (aka inflammation of connective tissue aspects of cartilage and bone) were related to our digestions.

– Bo Forbes

Well, actually, in Eastern medicine, it’s common knowledge as the belly, “HARA” or the “tanden” is central to our health; whereas the heart is not just an organ with four chambers that pumps blood but something more – if it means heart = “kokoro”, then it’s more than just a physical pump but … what we refer to as …mind, soul, spirit, love, truth … it’s an astral energy field as in Anahata chakra – as Shiva Rea says, we need to “tend to our fire” there. It’s kindled when you tend to it … I don’t know how I moved up from talking about the belly/digestion to the heart:)

Ah, I know – it’s because my heart warmed when I was informed that the proceeds from the following Lunar New Year’s gathering were all donated to a non-profit organization that helps radiation exposed kids in Fukushima …to give those kids gift of clean air and water – by allowing them to escape the dangers of radiation for even brief periods by inviting them to US with host families…the amount was probably nominal but it’s from that HEART:) It’s kindness and that comes from the … HEART.





Lunar cycle … revisited.
Vegetarian sushi, miso soup, salad and … healthy spread to warm our hearts and … bellies:)
5 elements in macrobiotic cooking…
Macrobiotic cooking is not necessarily vegetarian nor vegan, but goes by the principal Shinobeau san shares.*For details, check out Kushi Institute.
Shinobeau’s Vegan cheesecake with fresh strawberry sauce – she does not use any sugar but it’s “berry” sweeeettt:)
My amazing Healing Foods Chef, Shinobeau hosted a lovely ritual to celebrate the Lunar New Year and New Moon with Jan Cerone, crystal bowls musician, as a special guest for the auspicious occasion. Jan’s crystal bowls emit vibrations that echo within us like…soft rain… then rushing sounds of the waterfall … and you just feel so refreshed listening to the sounds… perfect way to usher in the new year. As usual Shinobeau prepared all vegan feast. Shinobeau hails from Japan with so much knowledge and training in the food preparation that heals – she has hosted detox sessions throughout the year and unlike what it sounds – “detox” – it’s just joy to “detox” with her cuisine that she prepares – you do not feel deprived at all. Wish she was nearby, but visiting her place in the woods, to me is pure delight. I treat it as a mini-retreat.

Thank you both for a beautiful New Moon/New Year celebration. I feel so blessed for the opportunity to clear out the stagnant energy in my nadis and revive my chakras throughout my body. Here’s Jan’s site* if you are interested in the magical sounds of the crystal bowls:) Just letting out a big sigh… it’s magical. An honor to be in the same circle as these other goddesses who graced that space that day in the misty forest.

(* I myself just visited Jan’s site – surprised at the extent of her activities – I had no idea.
Apparently a former registered nurse, a vocalist, and a mother to a Reiki master studying in Japan, her life experience is immeasurable.)

For most healing and reviving foods, Shinobeau has catered beautiful and delicious bento boxes and makes amazing food for any gathering
as reflected by her passionate principle in all she cooks up in the kitchen – here’s her contact info.:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

By Kay T. Ananda

Yoga brings Joy!
Joy to your body, heart, soul and allows your mind to settle all the debris to the bottom of the lake, ripples gently subsides so that like that shining water, your lake in your mind is still and crystal clear. Only then, you can find your truth... when your mind clears and all distractions are gone, leaving you - stillness and clarity. Peace.
Dog is doing yoga all the time and brings you laughs!
Anger is borne out of fear; how do we find that fearless path of inner peace?
Why Bark when you can Wag to express your JOY Joy joy !!!???

帰国子女としてニューヨーク、テヘラン、カリフォルニアと転々、いずれ東京に帰る意識で日本語高等部卒大卒後シリコンバレーにとどまる。ヨガはカリフォルニア州立、バークレー大学時代、ストレス解消に効くと教授に教わり試してみるが... 合わずジャズサイズ、ウェイトトレーニング、エアロビックスのクラスに移転の20代、30代、産後、過労で体調を崩し大病も治癒。死ぬかと思った~大病後、久しぶりに足を踏み入れたヨガスタジオのヨガが大学時代のスローでポーズごと器械体操ごとく、つまらなーいヨガとはまったく違い進化していた。流れる踊りの振り付け的なヨガに魅せられる。数々の流派があることを習い、数種類のスタイルを試す。ビクラム、ホット、アイヤンガー、ヴィンヤサ、アシュタンガ・パワー、などなど。数年前サンフランシスコにて、ヨガアライアンス認定インストラクター養成を経て、インストラクター証書習得。同じ年にキッズヨガインストラクター証書ゲット。リストラテイブヨガ、インストラクター認定、陰ヨガのインターン、アシスト後、陰とヴィンヤサ、レギュラーハタクラスを教える。又プライベート、セミプライベートレッスンをクライアントのニーズの合わせ、ヨガセラピストとしてセラピー集中ヨガ提供。その為に2年間のアドバンスコースに挑みc-IAYT証書習得!ヨガ療法士としてIAYT(国際ヨガセラピスト協会)認定のヨガセラピスト、C-IAYT(Certified-IAYT) 10年以上、ベイクラブ、ヨガスタジオ、シリコンバレー社などで子育て中週4-5回レギュラーレッスンの講師を務める。3月2020にあの頃は最後とは知らずの週2教えていたスタジオにてのインパーソンヨガクラスを後に…遠方介護ニーズとコロナ禍を機に当分はパブリッククラスリードからはリタイア。
自分自身が心と体の調和で得た平穏…日常の小ちゃな事に見出す喜びをヨガ愛好者のどなたとでもと共有できたらと願うばかり。ジョイを共有し、ジョイフルライフを。そう、もし犬に例えるのであれば、恐れや威嚇で吠えまくる犬ではなく、シッポふりふり笑顔で愛と喜びに満ちた心持をヨガを通しシャア。恥じる気持ち等恐れず誰でもできる自身ジョイフルヨガを肝に銘じりたい。LOVE LOVE LOVE:)Shanti Shanti Shanti:)