Beautiful Places


A week before Christmas in all the hustle and bustle, have you made time for yourself so you can rise and shine as days shorten and darkness lengthens?


Tips to Thrive During the Holiday Season Coming !

& this goes out especially to the women who give and give more than Santa in terms of LOVE, CARE & TIME:)  We know who they are.

Anything Cute Beautiful People

Now that party’s over

loads of dishes… More and more empty bottles to throw outempty out into recycle bins

Linens to wash some serving plates still to wash cleaned ones to put away … now that party’s over …there’s “work” to be done to clean up and reset

A limber fox stretched like a dog then, danced in circles to finally curl up just perfectly – several spin attempts are made to fine tune and find that “just right” pose.  There’s up dog and down dog yoga poses but have you heard of a pose called “curled dog” or “nuzzle navel” dog-pose?  I have.

I’m so tired …feeling so depleted … Now that party and work is over

“Now that party’s over, I’m so tired” (an old song by Roxy Music on heavy rotation)

It’s Holiday Season … to gather and share and appreciate this season of good will. While you want the party to be “effortless” merriment but more often than not, it’s an effort; it’s work, and a lot of it,  but with help, it’s a breeze – thank you – Why do it?  It’s about gratitude – a thank you and a reciprocation; to give and to receive the “energy”, to exchange and create vibe.

Then really taking the time to rest so that we can again be the light … to glow. To put a smile on someone’s face:) For some, this time is especially hard, but to honor the memories, relish in the remembrance, and while reminiscing the past and people we miss, focusing on the notion of “loss” with a different mindset; re-framing the experiences we shared with that special person as a “gift” that lives on today, this very moment.  Always coming back by shifting our perspectives to think about the gift of this present moment, what’s now at this moment as we gather for a collective reboot.

Filled with Gratitude … and like a dog, curling up to feel the shift … the change within. Dozing off into the dream land in this very present moment, that, being the ultimate present.

Now the party’s over
I’m so tired
Then I see you coming
Out of nowhere
Much communication in a motion
Without conversation or a notion
When the samba takes you
Out of nowhere
And the background’s fading
Out of focus
Yes the picture’s changing
Every moment
And your destination
You don’t know
by Roxy Music