Beautiful Rituals Uncategorized

On Doing Nothing…

To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring — it was peace.
– Milan Kundera

Beautiful Things

Vintage Jewelry Finds #2



Here are some more pieces from that same estate sale I mentioned.
My girlfriend has good taste!
Everyone who only knew the old lady in her old age could not believe that these pretty things once belonged to that “old lady”. Well, goes to show, she had good taste too. You can never judge a person – until you really know that person. Even then, we don’t have any right to judge anyone. And yes, everyone grows old. Let’s go about it gracefully.

Anything Cute

Wag More Bark Less – The Story

A dog-owner friend noticed my bumper sticker and asked where I got it from. If you click on the image at the bottom left, you will have further details on how to get it online. The ones shown here are stickers that comes in several color combos.

Speaking of pets and pet related cute items, I was in a pet store yesterday and saw a sticker that said “I don’t need therapy I have a dog”. Upon seeing it, I had to chuckle. So maybe all I need is a dog? Had I known! I reached for the sticker and then stopped myself – wait, I don’t have a dog anymore! Our dog died couple of years ago and we are still pining away for him. In fact, in his honor, I gave my blog the title of “Wag More Bark Less”! “Wag More Bark Less” reflects my sentiment these days – why waste your energy on yukky emotion of anger and fear with tears. Why not use the energy to wag your tail with a yummy emotion of joy? So I visualize a dog wagging her tail as I get into downward and then upward dog:)

I personally like the magnet over the sticker as the magnet peels right off and does not leave any mark on the car, thus, not reducing its resale value. Personally, the resale value would go up if I were getting a car that came with such a lovely message – Wag More Bark Less – but then, that’s just me.

Enjoy – yes, and I will honk if I see it on your bumper.

Oh, as far as cute pet related items, I provide the link for this cute Doggie Yoga Pose calendar that hangs in one of my favorite yoga studios’ wall here in the Bay Area – just jump, hop and a skip away from San Francisco Airport. Already we are in the month of April so maybe these calendars are on sale by now. Click on the bottom center image for further details. Enjoy !