
Only love interests me, and I am only in contact with things that revolve around love.
– Marc Chagall


Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Things

Intentions create the energy of the space. When there’s collective intentions, the energy is palpable. As an observer, it is visible. The quiet calm glow that’s rather oozy – sloooooow progression.

I am struck by it each time I make an offering of that space to be shared…I feel the calm, peaceful “energy” that re-surges as I look around and I see a human re-fueling station. I don’t mean fuel as in food and water but us humans require more than the minimum sustenance of food, water and shelter to “re-fuel”. We harness energy 2-ways; By working-out & by working-in. Both are needed and complement each other.

My intention is to make the space safe and place of nature…We can’t always get-away to connect with nature; Our daily commitments mean we cannot always escape to the beach or to the mountains – and for some, workplace is life, your home (now employers want you at workplace all the time so all the perks – espresso machine, tea bar, salad bar… the gym with round-the-clock yoga…everything provided for – you can work longer hours!) but we can with the power of our own mind – connect with nature; connect with your own truth – in an urban mini-“spa”, a sacred space, because anyplace you practice “metta”, a Buddhist concept of compassion, kindness … benevolence… is SACRED.

Intentions in a Christian sense or in any religion is probably similar to a prayer, and setting an intention is a kind of an “affirmation” that gives validity and a horse-power to your desires. It does not have to go on a moral high ground UN-ish like “world peace” – it can focus solely on you – a desire for a transformation even on a micro, Nano-level…from within.

Here are some intentions you can try…or custom make one for yourself – it can be a fun exercise – let it become an affirmation.

– My body has its own wisdom and I trust that wisdom completely.
– Today I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my uniqueness.
– I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself.
– Today I put my full trust in my inner guidance.
– I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways.

If you are going through tough times, this may be challenging but soften your gaze, look within and find the fire again…may hope and faith guide you…and as Judith H. Lasater taught us, exercise this technique:

“be RADICALLY present”.

If you can memorize mantras in Sanskrit, this should come easily:) … Chanting mantras has a different effect and a purpose but affirmations may come more easily to you – Realizing that we all have so much on our plate – sometimes it’s hard to digest all but even digest just a portion provides nourishment – it need not be a Grande super-size portion – you may come to see what I mean by re-kindling your own inner-fire that resides in your belly – it just takes a spark or sometimes, just far reaching oxygen (“breath”)so that the flames rise up to warm your heart…

Haaahhhh, BIG sigh- stretch:)

Gratitude for the space filled with collective intentions.


How does talking about this weekend’s New Moon go into talking about androgynous quality? I guess I come from a country where male actors play women (both genders) and female actors play men ( both genders), Kabuki and Takara-zuka, respectively… so I don’t really freak out when someone exhibits that quality – in my mind, it’s just aesthetics and a theatrical play – a diff. of one chromosome x vs. y… While interesting to explore, I don’t want to get too caught up in defining how women should feel this way – the feminine, and men should feel another way, the masculine – with Left (ida) or Right (pingala) dominance, etc.- we are just human; Human beings (as Jon Kabat-Zinn would say, Human “Beings” not Human “Doings” – touche!) and maybe that’s why this poem by Hafiz strums a chord with me:

How Does it Feel to Be a Heart?

Once a young woman said to me,
“How does it feel to be a man?”

And I replied, “My dear, I am not so sure.”
Then she said, “Well, aren’t you a man?”

And this time I responded, “I view gender as
a beautiful animal that people often take
for a walk on a leash and might enter into
some odd contest…
in hopes of winning a strange price.”

My dear, a better question for Hafiz
would have been,

“How does it feel to be a heart?”

For all I know is love,
and I now find my heart, infinite, and everywhere.

*** Soooo beautiful…