

Couple days ago, I had a post on HUMAN VOICE and how this holiday season will be the season where local choral groups will shine with their beautiful caroling… The vibe of human voices is just … out of this world. Musical instrument with certain vibration is also very trance-like TRANS-fromative? Sounds of drums and flutes… and strings … brass… musical instruments are magical too. I have the highest respect for musicians who make a difference through their creative endeavors.

I always believed that music has healing qualities and singing is one of the best pranayama:) It was brought to my attention that there’s really a certain vibration of sounds that we gravitate to … depending on our moods. It’s true sometimes you can get goosebumps from some music and sometimes, you quickly rush over to turn it off, it’s so unpleasant.

Then I read this …

Dr. Leonard Horowitz makes a claim that 528 Hertz is a frequency of LOVE – a frequency where magic happens – REALLY ?

So intrigued – I will report back with more findings – a little skeptical about the commercialization of this theory but really very interesting that there could be such a claim and singling out just one frequency out of so many other – it’s suspect for doubts… Here’s the claim:

528 is known as the ‘Miracle’ tone which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes.
Dr. Joseph Puleo analyzed the meaning of the tone using Latin dictionaries and hidden entries from Webster’s Dictionary.
The “Mi” tone is characterized as:
1. an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause, esp. to God.
2. a superb or surpassing example of something; wonder, marvel; ME or Miraculum=Mira to wonder at. fr(French): sighting, aiming to hold against the light.
(gestorum: gesture; movements to express thought, emotion; any action, communication, etc. intended for effect.)
The 528Hz tone alone is associated with ‘DNA Repair‘ (!!!!????)

– Attuned Vibrations, Dr. Leonard Horowitz

I don’t think this is quite right – because then, all music will start sounding the same where tunes will be de-constructed for the intended purpose – that seems artificial…if we just want to be hooked to fuzzy in love good feelings, is it always this frequency? That seems in some ways a bit humiliating – like we are program-able or something. & why would it be the same for every human?

There’s just too much reliance and “leap of faith” when it comes to whatever is out there – that comes probably from our inferiority complex whenever level of education is concerned. Whenever there’s “Dr” or “PhD” as a prefix to the name, there seems to be a tendency to blindly trust – ask the question: PhD or Doctoral in WHAT subject and from where? We trust MD yes, but stories abound where a survivor is told they have 6 months to live; and ended up living for 6 years more – there’s so much we just don’t know. Is the MD in dermatology or coronary health or oncology or? So much specialization to contend with as well.

Anyway, as far as this frequency based commercialization, Was there research and experiments done on this with scientific findings? And if so, is that a good thing? What about just jamming, improvising – i.e., Hit OR Miss trials and errors method?
Or just instincts,intuitions and gut feelings?

A wide range of frequencies I like to think I embrace depending on time, place and occasion. Music comes from the heart; it’s not some calculated math formula scientists in labs come up with. It’s a creative expression – like Art. As in a painting, an Art form. Is there a certain kind of painting that’s going to resonate more and create the feeling of “LOVE” because certain shades of color is used, etc.? Probably… knowing colors do have implications, still, isn’t it also about the subtle mix, the shades, the combo, the shapes, the texture of different strokes – or is it just a FORMULA? I don’t think so. Somethings are NOT explainable and I like it that way.

Beautiful Places Healthy Living

To the Beach…





sm_IMG_9987_01A dog running with an “I captured it!” expression. Owners running after him to get the red frisbee but he would not let go of it. Tugs and pulls but no matter what, this doggie is not about to give up the frisbee. Jaws in tight grips so intent on not letting go. Fun awaits if you let go, dear doggie – you can fetch again like this other cousin of yours – this dog fetches the stick floating in the waves and brings it right back to the owner, drops the stick by their foot, looks up with that longing look – begging – please, oh, please throw it again!!! He seems to be saying. Then the game starts again – fetching over and over and over …again and again. A fun game to play over and over …and … over if you let go of the grips on the red frisbee. Let the frisbee fly through the ocean breeze kissed air! Go after it again – it’s more fun that way! Let the red frisbee fly – you can get it back again. It won’t be lost; you can regain it – Release your tight jaws – Trust me on this. Let it go.





Danger? Still… I want to come on this pilgrimage every week. It’s beautiful here.


New Moon Evening…Dreamy…



Her style of Yin is so … when I was lost for words, Shiva Rea quickly inserted, “sensual”. In her definite, strong and husky voice, she says, “Yes, it’s oh so…. you know, intoxicating. It’s sensual!” I was going to say – it’s so vinyasa flowy – but she does weave together various strands into a tapestry of carefully choreographed sequence. Then she rolled onto the floor and lounged by the candles to sign her book for us – she’s just so gorgeous and sexy as all the yoginis there looked up (okay, down in terms of actual perspectives) at her with sheer awe. She really looks like a Nordic goddess …loooonnng limbs. Totally a different angle from Sarah Powers’ yin so … it’s not that one is better than another – it’s just SO DIFFERENT! Same Yin, yet such different styles of presentation.

Luckily I did not have a date for this workshop – as that would have been dangerous! Tantric Yin is pulsating with lunar energy that she, like some earth-sister magnet, invites into her energy fields – & we all feel the vibration in the air through the caller response that just keeps flowing into rich wine smudged darkness. It’s intoxicating without the alcohol – who needs wine? It’s within you. She is so Goddess like but yet so down to earth human when you talk to her. If I were asked to describe the difference ?

Sarah Powers’s image:
– is lithe and delicate, precision-oriented, brainy, intellectual, serious and introduces the Asian/Taoist theories well. So knowledgeable. In the silent, unspoken words, she leads a practice that’s so meditative, quiet and …lovely.

With her tall statuesque figure, Shiva Rea is powerful and projects an image:
– that is artistic, creative, raw and playful. She appears very much a global citizen & introduces the multi-ethnic/cultural ideas well. Infused with global sounds, she leads a flowy dynamic practice that’s just so dreamy.

Convinced, we are lucky to have incredible teachers, each with such unique distinctive style, giving us the directions on the map, showing us so many paths to the treasure trove called yoga. Mixed and blended with my own studies, life experiences and beliefs, I hope to weave my own version – learning so much to share the joy.

*** if only I could take this class in this setting every week… dreamy … softness pulsating softness …I love this kind of practice.