
What’s anatomically best…

Student: Are you saying not square the hips when this and that and do not tuck the pelvis in when this and that …and … ???????
Maty: “You are trying to find rules. There are no rules. You need to observe each unique student and figure out what’s going on.”
There are no rules and short cut formulas…(not to be taken out of context but)

Isn’t that the truth: THERE ARE NO RULES.


IMG_2884 No longer teaching Yin/Yang Yoga… maybe someday I will regenerate myself but taking time off … group classes are nice because of the tribal energy! and the mood ~ but I don’t like how you have to specialize in a certain style – why does it have to be this style or that style… rather have it more about entropy. A mix and a blend – would be more enticing for me but maybe I’m back to being a beginner and thinking like a student. I guess I have a beginner’s mind – not expert’s. Shunryu Suzuki would get it ?


Maty Ezraty Teacher’s Intensive

Beginning the year, being a beginner this year … and it feels good. Actually returning to being a beginner makes you feel vibrant and alive! 1-2 times a year, for continuing education, I usually try to take workshops or intensives because, always a student at heart, I find it inspiring to be in that positive environment where I might be paired up with a yogini with 20+ years teaching experience, still furiously taking notes:) It’s that REFRESH button for me:) Everyone wants an expert or want to be the expert but I don’t at the expense of losing students – I want to stay a beginner with that Zen mindset …to stay curious and genuinely interested so that I can serve. To borrow her words,

“Practicing yoga is a privilege. And with this privilege comes a duty to be kind, to share a smile, and to offer the yoga from the mat into the rest of your life.”

Spent 5 hours on “blueprint” poses yesterday …it’s all a review…but… Another 5 hours tomorrow – and repeat – intense. She’s tough but nurturing. Different kind of toughness but reminds me of Judith Lasater – even though their styles are diametrically opposite.

Maty calls out to check in – “tired? “(we want to scream “YES!” but too tired to) “EASY?” (all students are looking like – are you kidding?!) Reading our facial expressions, “but you are all young!” – ? – “I work much harder and I am so much older!” she exclaims but slow holds are burning and repetitions are over and over – drilled in – perspiration are dripping even though we’ve only gotten through few sun salutations… the room got hot like a hot yoga studio all the sudden – the heat zoomed up naturally… I guess I had been doing – la la la ~ sun salutations (not incorrect but) mindlessly all these years – She combines the flow with Iyengar alignment precision. Then forced to look straight into the mirror – to a reflection which I had been avoiding – self-analysis took place…in a tree:)

Not the usual self-judgement but rather a feeling of gratitude came over me for the body & mind that allows learning to take place and for this truly authentic wise teacher. In the old days in Japanese learning system, you could not study with whoever Master you wanted to study under since the teacher “selected” and had to accept his students – or else students had to go beg to be taken as an apprentice … but thank goodness for this democratic modern system where one can actually take a class from one of the most respected expert (and here I use the word “expert” in the true sense of the word) in the field of yoga today:) Gratitude that she’s returned to the teaching scene after a looong break – like a decade maybe!!!??? seems everybody needs time off to regenerate in order to shine brighter. It’s an honor to learn from someone who personifies a living legend…feeling so privileged.
H A P P Y !