
Yoga to the Rescue:)

By Nature, the body is inert, dull, and sluggish; the mind vibrant, active and dynamic, and self, luminous and illuminative.  Practice of yoga destroys the sluggishness of the body and builds it up to become equal to that of the active and sensitive mind.  Then both the body and the mind are made to transcend the level of the illuminative self with perfect health in body, stability in mind, and clarity in intelligence.

– B.K.S. Iyengar

And even that inherently vibrant and active mind can become sluggish without sufficient sleep and rest – turning up the music is not the answer.  Ironically said by someone who was asked to turn down the volume turned up to combat her own sleep deprivation…sensitivity… cultivating sensitivity… learning so much from the students.  To know them is to know thyself?

then… throw away the lesson plan…

teaching simply becomes





If people in Fukushima can be THIS happy, so can anybody !

Would help to have the following though:

Clean unpolluted air;

Clean water (& sake to forget your troubles?);

Untainted foods;


lovely disposition certainly helps…

One word to describe the message…


(I do have to wonder about the intro announcement that said “Brief stop at”… note to self…why brief and not a lengthly stay? )



Ananda = Happy


  • defined as extreme happiness, one of the highest states of being.  From Sanskrit ānanda ‘blessedness, bliss’.

Balasana = Baby

Ananda Balasana = Happy Baby!  Happy and Exuberant … Keep coming back to my Squirrel – “risu-san” who lives in that big tree.  My reincarnation?  No wonder I am nuts for nuts.  AND, the practice I share prevents YOU from going nuts.
