
New Moon Evening…Dreamy…



Her style of Yin is so … when I was lost for words, Shiva Rea quickly inserted, “sensual”. In her definite, strong and husky voice, she says, “Yes, it’s oh so…. you know, intoxicating. It’s sensual!” I was going to say – it’s so vinyasa flowy – but she does weave together various strands into a tapestry of carefully choreographed sequence. Then she rolled onto the floor and lounged by the candles to sign her book for us – she’s just so gorgeous and sexy as all the yoginis there looked up (okay, down in terms of actual perspectives) at her with sheer awe. She really looks like a Nordic goddess …loooonnng limbs. Totally a different angle from Sarah Powers’ yin so … it’s not that one is better than another – it’s just SO DIFFERENT! Same Yin, yet such different styles of presentation.

Luckily I did not have a date for this workshop – as that would have been dangerous! Tantric Yin is pulsating with lunar energy that she, like some earth-sister magnet, invites into her energy fields – & we all feel the vibration in the air through the caller response that just keeps flowing into rich wine smudged darkness. It’s intoxicating without the alcohol – who needs wine? It’s within you. She is so Goddess like but yet so down to earth human when you talk to her. If I were asked to describe the difference ?

Sarah Powers’s image:
– is lithe and delicate, precision-oriented, brainy, intellectual, serious and introduces the Asian/Taoist theories well. So knowledgeable. In the silent, unspoken words, she leads a practice that’s so meditative, quiet and …lovely.

With her tall statuesque figure, Shiva Rea is powerful and projects an image:
– that is artistic, creative, raw and playful. She appears very much a global citizen & introduces the multi-ethnic/cultural ideas well. Infused with global sounds, she leads a flowy dynamic practice that’s just so dreamy.

Convinced, we are lucky to have incredible teachers, each with such unique distinctive style, giving us the directions on the map, showing us so many paths to the treasure trove called yoga. Mixed and blended with my own studies, life experiences and beliefs, I hope to weave my own version – learning so much to share the joy.

*** if only I could take this class in this setting every week… dreamy … softness pulsating softness …I love this kind of practice.


Thank you for the Roses…

“All for Love”

Thorns and ALL…


Some mornings…

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& it’s not even Monday…