Beautiful People Healthy Living Yoga

Sonima Foundation making a difference in K-12 students’ lives…

Gratitude to those who make a difference as I immersed myself in the harmony of positive energy…


Found out about this “awesome” organization called Sonima Foundation from a fellow yogini I respect. In fact, it was she who got me certified in Kids & Family Yoga Teaching some years ago in which that training/certification allowed me to sub when needed and then co-teach at local elementary school’s Wellness Day. (held just once a year festival format – shouldn’t wellness day be everyday for them?) She’s the one who planted the seed as any caring educator would, for her students:) She is indeed that teacher – caring and, above all, most dedicated and committed. Like a gardener, she’s a teacher who plants the seeds, tills the fertile grounds called the young minds and nourishes them for the sprouting intellect that grows into great thoughts and ideas! School children would be lucky to have her as their Health & Wellness teacher – that would be just so “awesome” for them !

If Sonima Foundation’s program was implemented in every school, what a difference it would make. The world would be a much better place … When there are fewer angry people, fewer irritated and exhausted people, fewer fearful anxious people, the world will be a more peaceful place of creativity accompanied by laughter and joy. Students would be well-adjusted, well-rounded and most importantly, ready and eager to learn! Earlier we know how to self-regulate; to know the safety and love found within, the more empowering. And their mission is to empower the kids by giving them the tools, and then, teaching them the skills to navigate their emotions and many other variables which they once thought is beyond their control, they now master. With such mastery comes confidence as they come to realize the control, power and … the freedom to use their mind and body to take them to places they so desire. They realize wherever they direct their energies to… they can affect a change that enables them to undergo a transformation.

It takes dedicated, committed teachers … so enthralled to realize there are many like minded who see “service” as their calling. The positive energy of teachers who know this key promise… that kids are our future … was just amazing. When you are in company of passionate people who wants to make a positive change … you can’t help but to feel this sense of gratitude and relief. People are good. People are giving. People aspire to be better. Humankind are … kind.

It’s not some unrealistic fervor but with eyes wide open – thoroughly and deeply thought out and designed undertaking – knowing that the teacher, no matter how well meaning and competent, may not reach all students – but if even 20%, 10% or even just 5% are reached, incrementally over time, it’s huge. Until the larger social-economic issues are addressed, yoga in the classroom alone, of course is not the answer to hard issues faced in the inter-cities or other challenged communities – but it is a component in the formula for the bigger all encompassing solution. Yoga is such a healing art that empowers the individuals who practice it, I am going to pin my hope on the goodness of any and all genuine efforts to make a difference.

Yoga in the classroom is about harnessing the energy, to put into place practical ways to help younger people succeed. It stands to reason efforts of this magnitude is sure to make a notable difference in kids’ lives. To me, the value seems much greater than if we were to just give unprepared students more electronic gadgets. When I read news about big corporations donating laptops for kids who can’t even read or write or do basic math, or able to sit still and manage and accept the full range of emotions and engage with other human beings – the thought is – that’s a nice donation that money can buy – thanks but are laptops the answer to real problems they face?

Yoga as part of their overall Health & Wellness program in the classroom ? Yoga in the classroom on the other hand … is not a hardware but … it’s a software – it’s a program designed by someone caring; someone trying to make a difference – from the get-go, Love sets the tone. The intention of this group is clear. It is good. It is real. It is borne out of love and passion to make a difference. Many people have good intentions, but you have to respect these candidates who not only have good intentions but go beyond – to take action. To step off the mat and really take action … I hold these people in the highest regard.

PE & classroom teachers are the everyday unsung heros; everyday warriors fighting to advocate for our children’s future. I was humbled to be in presence of so many well meaning yogis and health advocates, intensely studying this craft …to serve. The week-long Kids Yoga training provided by Sonima Foundation is so thorough, so hands-on and practical – it’s not just theories and classroom studies – it’s a true transmission of techniques and how-to’s from those who have actually worked in the trenches. And when we play students to those awesome teachers who have taught so many kids in the classrooms through this program, we get to really feel what it’s like to be the receiving end of these lessons – as we all know, the best learning and teaching is through direct experience. In true learning, books and workbooks can only go so much – the rest is through the real experience using all 5-senses. In true immersion training in which we can navigate our own feelings about learning and teaching whilst building confidence. I’ve always loved teaching kids but you really have to be on your toes – never a dull moment – in fact, never a moment – it has to keep moving … never a dull moment in the movement portion … you can’t help but to smile and laugh with them – they brighten the room with sheer ENERGY ! AND then, loved the “rest” time – Kelley’s guided visualization was sooo beautiful – put a smile on everyone’s face.

Teaching kids is not easy because their instincts are quite sharp and intuitions are highly sensitized and clear – after all, their nervous system is NEW and in process of development – they know how to read the air and quickly sense the energy around them because they are so pure and young. SO you have to be genuine – You can’t pretend to love them – you either do or you don’t. You have to be earnest and do your best each time if that’s what you are expecting out of them. I have done many yoga training but this one week training given by the Somina Foundation was one of the most professional, practical (makes you feel like you can just walk into a classroom full of rambunctious 2nd graders and just deliver – just teach) and … truly impressive because of the passion this team of professionals from the Foundation had.

In gratitude. So charged – hope that the local school district would consider a life altering program like this. Kumon and homework clubs are nice but having witnessed many tiger moms, I have come to learn that physical, mental and emotional health and wellness is the most important and lays the groundwork. True academic success will follow only when the foundation of health is laid out and solid. Health & Wellness is not about excelling in sports and being competitive. Wellness is about being well-rounded and well-balanced – To be healthy in body and mind – to be able to love yourself and others. Wellness is about loving life, appreciating family, friends and teachers, and being eager and ready to learn, at all times knowing the meaning of the word, “gratitude”. If a child is raised that way, the parents and schools are doing a “awesome” job.

Beautiful Deeds Healthy Activities Healthy Living

An Empath at your service …


I will soothe you and heal you.
I will bring you roses.
I too have been covered with thorns.

– Rumi

Healthy Food

Mind of a Chef on PBS is fun to watch. This is only a preview but the actual episodes are fascinating if you are a foodie or just plain curious.

If you are into Ramen, you might find this episode – an except from the PBS show, rather interesting (or unsettling!). Finding very high level of sodium and fat in most bowls, instant ramen is not very good (& so bad for you eaten the way he ate it – wonder if he is diabetic by now) for your health unless its made in such a way that a mother makes it for her child… Healthy version or unhealthy version, ramen fans abound, no wonder lines form at notable ramen shops. I am pining my hope on this lovely local mom-chef who makes amazing and also very healthy popular “unhealthy” dishes – that will come up with a solution to our dilemma: A dilemma of knowing how unhealthy a dish may be … and wrestling with the desire to eat it while your conscience is saying … NO. This amazing local mom-chef is sure to invent a solution to this dilemma … by transforming what’s unhealthy fatty food into healthy vibrant dish. She has a magical touch.