Beautiful People

BlogHer Silicon Valley 2013

Check out BlogHer Silicon Valley !

October 22-23, 2013
Sofitel San Francisco Bay

Purvi Shah, Co-Founder of Kids & Art,  will be speaking among many  women entrepreneurs.   Bloggers and entrepreneurs from across the spectrum, from all over the country will flock to Silicon Valley to learn from each other… the synergy from such an event is sure to inspire.

Photos to follow…

Beautiful People Yoga

Willpower & Yoga by Nancy

Was able to slip into one of my favorite local yoga teacher’s class today and feeling so much better from it – even though it might feel as though I am trailing (by choice… smelling the roses on the path and caring those who need my care…), It’s good to be on the same path of teaching (& learning) with someone you feel a kindred spirit towards.  I love to learn as much from those I respect.


This is Nancy’s Willpower Yoga workshop’s description:

We all make promises to ourselves that we find it difficult to keep. Psychologists now believe that willpower is like a muscle – the more it is exercised, the stronger it becomes in the long run. Find out more about why we are challenged to stay the course and discover ways to strengthen your resolve. This workshop is a unique combination of asana, discussion, guided meditation and yoga nidra (guided savasana) and is designed to help discover answers to the questions of why we behave the way we do, and provide techniques to help create better habits.


Isn’t it just what we all needed right before the holiday season? It’s just what I needed! Again, just like Dr. Hinohara we may all say this is common sense but that’s just it. We are far from being ignorant.  We know what’s good for us but we do not necessarily do what we know is good for us.  We need to explore why we trip up, why we fail, why we make the wrong choices. In this workshop, Nancy allows us that opportunity to explore the whys. She will be having more workshops and I highly recommend them.  In fact,  I will be first in line. While our styles are different, I believe our values and inspirations share the same source. Yes, I love to teach yoga but I also love to be a student with the right teacher – and in her class, I get to be on the receiver end and how I love that because with all her life experiences, she weaves a class that allows me to just let go.  It’s like unwrapping a gift from a friend – it’s that feeling I love.

Thank you Nancy!

Beautiful People

Henri Louis Bergson quoted


“…Men do not sufficiently realize

that their future is in their own hands.

Theirs is the task of determining first of all whether they want to go on living or not.

Theirs is the responsibility, then, for deciding if they want merely to live,
or intend to make just the extra effort required
for fulfilling, even on this refractory planet,
the essential function of the universe,
which is a machine for the making of gods.”
― Henri Louis Bergson

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

― Henri Louis Bergson

Dr. Hinohara quoted from Bergson, concluding that YOU are the designer of your own life. Then he recited his own poem which summarized his message for us to live a more radiant life:

Change the Way You Live
Animals cannot change the way they run.
Birds cannot change the way they fly.
BUT human beings can change the way they live.
We, as human beings, can design our own destiny ourselves.

YES! *******************************************************************************

One of the startling data shared was that in US. 70% of population are obese; whereas in Japan, 25% are considered obese based on Body/Mass/Fat index measures.

According to Dr. Hinohara, the following disciplines  determine our health and well-being. Seemingly common sense but coming from a 102 year old doctor in practice for nearly 80 years, it makes you realize this:  We know what’s good for us by intellect, but we don’t necessarily do what’s good for us because something prevents us – what prevents us from doing what we know is good for us?

  1. How and what we eat (more on this* on later posts)
  2. How we breathe. (that’s pranyama)
  3. How and how much we move. (asana & dance)
  4. Quality of rest & quality of sleep. (Restorative & Yoga Nidra)
  5. Noting that rest is not necessarily the same as sleep. (more Restorative & Nature) – more on this coming!

His tips were interesting… and rather convincing especially coming from someone like him.  I think I will hit the studio now:)

* “For example, breast cancer patients who keep their insulin levels under control – a factor most often associated with diet and lifestyle – cut their risk of cancer recurrence in HALF and decrease cancer mortality by two-thirds.” per Rebecca Katz, MS.