Healthy Activities Healthy Living

How to boost Energy:)

Adho Mukha Svanasana
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog

Try a down-dog:) Tones the arms, opens the whole back, lengthens and stretches the hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendons and … enlivening but calming elixir tonic for the brain with rush of fresh blood in this gentle inversion. A whole body stretch – Soften the tensions, and allow yourself to just feel GOOD. Don’t worry about “am I doing this right?” stuff – if it feels good to you, then, it must be right – listening to your own body.wristsm_IMG_0520

No, nothing is wrong but as part of a routine checkup, went to Kaiser Hospital’s Lab to get my blood test. The lady in front of me, at every opportunity in interfacing with others kept lamenting how anxious and stressed she feels. I hear her complain at the registration, I hear her tell her tales of woes at the window, at the Lab … Dragging her feet, frown on her face, long long face – I felt total compassion for her – her body and mind are feeling disjointed, disintegrated and out of synch – What if I told her that there’s a way – there’s a way to feel whole, healthy and fit? Felt empathetic and wanted to prescribe “YOGA” meds to her ! Yoga is not just about those pretzel poses people associate with – that’s one eighth of the practice – there’s approachable yoga to all since it’s about a whole lifestyle to promote healing and transformation.

Here are some ways to boost one’s energy when feeling dragged down with those matters and people who really drain your energy – we shouldn’t avoid them even if they sap you of chi, prana, energy, whatever you call it that enlivens you with joy – we need to help them recover and as a result if your own energy starts flagging – take a pause, restore and – start out Monday right with some of these tips:) Nothing extreme; kind gentle care of Self:

– First – Eat iron-rich foods- why?

Iron gives you energy by converting glucose into energy; glucose is the main fuel for both the brain and the body. Iron-rich foods include lean red meat (and if you don’t eat this, replace with what follows), chicken, fish, eggs, wholegrain breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables.

– Make sure you have enough B-vitamins in your diet – otherwise supplement. The B’s fuel the body with carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The best vitamin B-rich foods are wholegrain cereals, meat, poultry, salmon, eggs, milk and green leafy vegetables.

Magnesium! Apparently, Mag is an anti-stress nutrient, and found in tofu, legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and green leafy vegetables such as spinach as long as these deep colored veggies are not over-cooked.

– Can’t do without carbs but select “complex” carbs to keep blood-sugar and energy levels stable. Good choices include wholegrain breads and pasta, whole oats and muesli, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and root vegetables such as beetroot, pumpkin and sweet potato.

– This for me is important as I was getting so little – Get enough sleep! Sleep is when cells produce and release proteins essential for growth and tissue repair. Lack of sleep can cause poor concentration and mood swings and weaken immune function.

Spirulina!? What it is? It’s sea veggies – like seaweed such as nori, konbu – freshwater algae is rich in vitamins B, C and D, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and beta-carotene, for strong immune function. If they are not part of your regular diet, add one to two teaspoons to juice, water or smoothies. Take 10g to 20g a day for maintenance, in tablet, capsule or powder form.

– Cut back on caffeine – a cup a day in the morning has it’s benefit and nothing wrong with that but beyond 1-2 cups … not good. Caffeine stimulates the production of stress hormones, which gives you a temporary boost in energy but can also contribute to anxiety, irritability, muscle tension, weakened immunity and insomnia. How about delicious cup of alternatives such as Rooibos, Hibiscus (said to help lower blood pressure) dandelion root coffee or other organic herbal teas.

Exercise! Hit the gym:) Or go outdoors for a brisk walk/jog.

Manage stress with mindfulness practice whether through yoga and/or meditation. Take a PAUSE – find revelry; find euphoria through yoga – your body and mind are capable of finding the lightness and freedom within:)

– Sweat few times a week (ideally daily) – if done through exercise, great, but if not through exercise – sweat in the sauna, steam bath – however it’s done, it’s all beneficial, clearing the pores, eliminating toxins and impurities out of the system. Working up a sweat in different ways – Inspired to Perspire:) Don’t forget to hydrate well with electrolytes as good minerals along with things that no longer serve you also get eliminated out as well.

************ lost 4 lbs in a week – probably all water:) ********* yoyo-ing with no cutbacks on caloric intake ************always up and down the 10 lbs range**********YO-Yo-yo-ing FUN*FUN*FUN:)


Back to deepening the practice

Reviewing, observing, BEING … DOING:)
sm_IMG_0557I really don’t like being touched in yoga class too much – feel the tension coming on – so this is nice:)sm_IMG_0561Adjustments or focus gathering… not correction. Prom_IMG_6867sm_IMG_0735sm_IMG_1507Prom_IMG_6848

How did nearly 10 lbs creep up last year? Ironically by spending too much time on yoga therapy related studies which meant – hours of watching anatomy videos (homework) and reading about mind-body-&more connections (homework & more reading assignments), being stressed about getting that HW done when you are short on time, doing more homework, holding space rather than “doing”. Back to the Being of Doing. While I can’t practice as much as those good old days when I had more time (well nourished on 4-5 times a week practice peppered with weekend intensives …a fading memory to regain). One just has to dedicate a “me”-time when there’s no time. Like all of us with responsibilities – Yes, make time. Feels GOOD! Banish stiffness, find space in the constricted tightness, find freedom. Flow. Off to the gym or to a studio, or merely to space out the 10,000 steps a day – Have a great day !

New Year’s Resolution?
2 lbs a month weight loss in 5 months equals 10 lbs by June – without counting calories; engaging in yin yoga (because mindful resistance, strengthening (muscles are engaged then released), and stretching can help with the athletics) peppered with those interval training – yang activities.

Invite Diaphragmatic breathing, take it further and engage the Ujai breath, the victorious breath where there’s a little bit of resistance in the slow exhale … just with that alone, 3 lbs loss in one week already. Really powerful. Just eating plant based whole foods flavored with lemon, lime, Ayurvedic(learned from Jyoti) spices, miso, soy sauce, yuzu, rice vinegar … and sometimes EVO:) Nothing extreme … just easing into balance:)
Join me – feels good to get ready for Spring.

New Intentions are set for this New Moon Evening.

What are your intentions this year?

Beautiful People Healthy Food


YAKUZEN = or Yakuzen-ryori is a special medicinal cuisine served at a Buddhist temple. Similar to Shojin Ryori.


I was reminded of Shinobeau who lives in the forest, as other day, I was passing by a street named “Wanowa” in San Francisco. Then my thoughts wondered … to the idea of all these unhealthy relationship with food people may be fighting … what if they tried or adopted Wanowa’s just as a “retreat” to refresh and reboot.

So interesting to learn about “othorexia” in yoga therapy TT as we have a tendency to restrict ourselves believing that strict, rigid discipline is what’s needed for our transformation.
Have you ever thought about the cultural context of our food relationship? There’s a lot of emotional attachment to foods and that sometimes dictates our diet.
For example,
If you are of Chinese descent and have fond memories of having dim sum with 3 generations of smiling faces on Sundays, I think that’s great; if you are Jewish and have fond memories of a certain New York deli, where you used to share a pastrami sandwich with your grandmother along with a big bowl of chicken soup rumored to stave off the sniffles during the flu season … isn’t that great? Medicinal elixir is what you believe it to be! If you are French, perhaps that fluffy omelette and buttery crepes your mother used to make brings up warm and fuzzy feelings. On my birthdays growing up, my late father used to take me out for sushi to celebrate – he’d have sake and I would be happy with green tea as we marveled at the fresh shiny morsel of delicacies. What about the good times memory you have when your late father fired up the BBQ and invited the neighbors… Well, I think all – what you may interpret as “bad” or “sad” or “impure”? foods should be honored. It’s okay – it’s all good – one should never be shamed. It is healthy to indulge from time to time – it’s good for our soul if not for our waistline. The soulful benefits we get out of these comfort foods far outweigh the benefits of restraint and denial of those positive memories – tied into the foods you shared with those important people. Telling myself to – Lighten up and be more flexible and spacious this year. Less judgement but just open mind; open, vast body cosmos.

The real cause of a weight gain in many cases is not from lack of exercise and eating too much – the major reasons for weight gain is often (1) too much stress where stress hormone cortisol is released causing cravings for emotionally attached but not necessarily good for you kinds of food – sugar, deep fried foods, high salt in take and high carbs … and (2) not enough rest/sleep. This happens a lot to students with needs to study longer, staying up late, reaching for snacks to keep awake. Sleep deprivation often causes the weight gain… as our metabolism is not functioning at the highest efficiency. If you are starting to think something is wrong with your thyroid because you wonder about your metabolism, address these two likely common causes first and then go check on your eating habits.

I do think that certain food professionals and coaches can really transform our health though by allowing us to look at our relationship with food with fresh new perspective.
Here’s a local chef, Shinobeau, whose cooking has really made me feel just so … pure:) each time I take a bite of her offering.
Her dedication to provide a well balanced dining experience is heartwarming.
Here’s her lovely homepage:)