Healthy Activities Healthy Living Yoga

Yoga for Jet Lag

Yoga for Jet Lag is similar to Yoga for Insomnia as symptoms of a jet lag is insomnia triggered by that act of passing through different time zones.  There’s also what’s called a “social” jet lag, where one has never left town on air travel but has a lifestyle that resembles a jet lag where the sleep/wake patterns are not in sych with the actual biological body clock … that could be again as a result of social reasons or due to some dementia where your day reverses with night.

In normal healthy situations, with jet lag symptoms receding, insomnia usually cures itself but unfortunately there are exceptions where jet lag symptoms drag on or manifests into full blown insomnia.  Yes, there are some who carry on and have a challenging time shaking off the affects of a jet lag that could be a cause of (1) dizziness, vertigo, light-headedness (2) headaches (3) stomach upsets – of one extreme to the other (4) fatigue (5) general sense of unease and anxiety. (6) body aches and stiffness. (7) breathlessness climbing stairs …  There are many theories and advice on how to deal with jet lag online that are valid based on science and medical studies and there are many that are simply anecdotal which may or may not work.  The most common is from those who will say that it’s the mindset – you just power through and never think about the alternative time you had been in; staying present and totally trick your mind into the new time zone.  This is of course possible but there are variables that affect the success of that – “pretending all is good” method.   I realized why it’s not quite that easy having read this article. The study gives you a clue that “fake it” until you make it OR denial method does not really work on the long run – your body is intelligent and knows even if your brain/mind may pretend otherwise.  These factors determine the severity of our jet lag discomforts:

  1.  Depending on where you are going to, your body may undergo additional stress to acclimate and adapt to the new environment – I am talking about the climate of the new location you find yourself in.  Is the new location a place of extreme heat and humidity or is it a place of frigid temperatures or … is it a place with milder climate than where you hail from.  All make a difference.
  2. How many time zones you few in.  Usual rule of thumb is per each time zone, give one day of rest.  That of course is not possible for many and some are traveling right back or traveling further so … further confusing the body-clock.
  3. You weight and any predisposed cardiovascular and circulatory conditions;
  4. Your age and general fitness level. More advanced in age, the harder to cope; less fit, the more challenging to cope and adapt.
  5. Quality of sleep you normally enjoy.

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So whether combating a jet lag which is a short term problem or insomnia which might be a bit more complicated, we have to first understand why we sleep so I found this book by Matthew Walker to be very insightful.  Sleep is profound – imagine – to live vibrantly and to be the best version of yourself, we do need about 8 hours of sleep … the human body/mind has to invest in that time or ultimately you will be paying in some ways – whether be health problems or cognitive impairment down the road.  It’s a myth that one could actually get by in a constantly and perpetually sleep deprived state.  There’s also his interview on Fresh Air NPR I would recommend listening to.

More later on the How-To’s Tried-and-True and this for not just jet lag but for the need to improve quality of sleep for general positive outlook on life and yes, happiness.  We are happy when our energy is bountiful – and when our energy is bountiful, there’s happy body and when our body is happy, mentally, emotionally, we are happy.

It’s about the energy. Our prana.  Instead of wasting it or losing it, how to harness it; how to retain it; how to use it for the right purpose; how to increase it. And that all hinges on how we rest, repair, recharge and renew.

So how would a practice of yoga help in this quest for quality sleep – would an inversion help?  What about a heart-centric practice or how about decompression of the spine and opening of the hips?  Things to think about in designing a sequence to serve as a remedy for those who can’t afford one day of rest per each time zone and have the need to get up and go and be productive from the get-go.

I also purchased some Japanese books by Japanese doctors on this subject and when I finish reading them, I would be happy to share in a form of a yoga practice.  oxoxox or should it be ZZZ 🙂  Sweet Dreams become Reality when we follow a certain ritual.  Yes, really.

By Kay T. Ananda

Yoga brings Joy!
Joy to your body, heart, soul and allows your mind to settle all the debris to the bottom of the lake, ripples gently subsides so that like that shining water, your lake in your mind is still and crystal clear. Only then, you can find your truth... when your mind clears and all distractions are gone, leaving you - stillness and clarity. Peace.
Dog is doing yoga all the time and brings you laughs!
Anger is borne out of fear; how do we find that fearless path of inner peace?
Why Bark when you can Wag to express your JOY Joy joy !!!???

帰国子女としてニューヨーク、テヘラン、カリフォルニアと転々、いずれ東京に帰る意識で日本語高等部卒大卒後シリコンバレーにとどまる。ヨガはカリフォルニア州立、バークレー大学時代、ストレス解消に効くと教授に教わり試してみるが... 合わずジャズサイズ、ウェイトトレーニング、エアロビックスのクラスに移転の20代、30代、産後、過労で体調を崩し大病も治癒。死ぬかと思った~大病後、久しぶりに足を踏み入れたヨガスタジオのヨガが大学時代のスローでポーズごと器械体操ごとく、つまらなーいヨガとはまったく違い進化していた。流れる踊りの振り付け的なヨガに魅せられる。数々の流派があることを習い、数種類のスタイルを試す。ビクラム、ホット、アイヤンガー、ヴィンヤサ、アシュタンガ・パワー、などなど。数年前サンフランシスコにて、ヨガアライアンス認定インストラクター養成を経て、インストラクター証書習得。同じ年にキッズヨガインストラクター証書ゲット。リストラテイブヨガ、インストラクター認定、陰ヨガのインターン、アシスト後、陰とヴィンヤサ、レギュラーハタクラスを教える。又プライベート、セミプライベートレッスンをクライアントのニーズの合わせ、ヨガセラピストとしてセラピー集中ヨガ提供。その為に2年間のアドバンスコースに挑みc-IAYT証書習得!ヨガ療法士としてIAYT(国際ヨガセラピスト協会)認定のヨガセラピスト、C-IAYT(Certified-IAYT) 10年以上、ベイクラブ、ヨガスタジオ、シリコンバレー社などで子育て中週4-5回レギュラーレッスンの講師を務める。3月2020にあの頃は最後とは知らずの週2教えていたスタジオにてのインパーソンヨガクラスを後に…遠方介護ニーズとコロナ禍を機に当分はパブリッククラスリードからはリタイア。
自分自身が心と体の調和で得た平穏…日常の小ちゃな事に見出す喜びをヨガ愛好者のどなたとでもと共有できたらと願うばかり。ジョイを共有し、ジョイフルライフを。そう、もし犬に例えるのであれば、恐れや威嚇で吠えまくる犬ではなく、シッポふりふり笑顔で愛と喜びに満ちた心持をヨガを通しシャア。恥じる気持ち等恐れず誰でもできる自身ジョイフルヨガを肝に銘じりたい。LOVE LOVE LOVE:)Shanti Shanti Shanti:)