
Pigeon on dirt

Don’t need no mat !?

Mat is a luxury for these tough athletes… stretching into various yoga poses before the race.  Dirt, some even on concrete, seeing yoga being done … wherever when you need to warm up, you just do it – You are out for the season if your knees are hurt so would exercise self-care. A well calibrated practice is sometimes much harder than just going through the poses – check – kind of a thing. Staying mindful – cultivating a razor pointed focus –  Yoga anywhere is about harnessing energy and joy. Not meant to be a performance or a contest. But, still. I am not going to lie. Enhanced performance in all things non-yoga off the mat in our lives would also be nice !


On a lot

Mending and fixing for optimal health!


Spooky yoga pants!

Reality transposed to our apparel … unexpectedly.

So startled to find this yoga pants that depicts the real life rose garden in my real space – it’s one of those uncanny coincidence.  

I did not plan on teaching yoga Halloween night as … well, assumed the classes would be cancelled Halloween night but … NOT?  Wait, it’s on?  There goes the evening plans but making the best of it.  It’s going to be a spooky smoking deathly sweet class – It’s a celebration of the dead – remembering those loved ones who live eternally in our hearts.  Trick or Treat OR YOGA !