Beautiful Places Healthy Food Healthy Living

“Oh She Glows!”

I was looking into Canadian – British Columbia related information and somehow, stumbled upon this blog as I was – actually to confess – looking for a recipe to recreate these cookies I got addicted to while there.
What kind of cookies? The package reads:

– “Sprouted 100% whole grain cookies”
– “No Egg or Dairy”
– ” Made with Chia and Flax”
– “Digest like vegetables” !!!

Cookies = Vegetables ???
Whhaaat? Doesn’t it sound too good to be true? BUT, they exist! Okay, not quite like veggies as they are made with sugar 🙁
Still, what a great blog ! I would cut down on the sugar or replace the sugar with perhaps apple sauce or dates though but … otherwise, such fun site to explore as Vancouver was:) Some bloggers are … amazing. (I was taken to this site because I wanted to re-create these cookies – modifying this recipe to do something about sugar… AND the ones in Vancouver had Chia seeds in them – very chewy…I may have to consult my Macrobiotic Cooking teacher – Shinobu-sensei:)

BTW, had you not already guessed, I love cookie monster …and live by the same philosophy:)
Munching down cookies, it’s a wonder that I somehow manage to be at my college days weight after going through a lot like a yo-yo in terms of weight. (I actually wanted to get down to 100-105lbs but this neighbor lady I respect took a look at me and said, “you lost enough weight – but no more, okay?”. From Japanese standard, I am fat ? but… I think I will just listen to her out of respect. Anyway, muscles weigh more than fat and …yes,

The key is… No white sugar.

Sugar-is-As-Addictive-As-Cocaine-From, a great resource.

It’s interesting – did you see THIS article which makes you realize how difference in perspective changes how you are perceived … no wonder, I used to sometimes feel FAT in Japan but relatively thin? or rather normal in US – What is considered IDEAL is different depending on which country you are in. It’s all about the Perspective so why let others judge you? Ideal weight is when you feel light and energetic – not whatever you see in the mirror – in fact, why even look at the mirror, other than to smile with unconditional love and motherly approval – trust yourself. You are “ideal” in this Universe:)

Perspective doesn’t shape your life, it IS your life.

-Judith Hanson Lasater

Anything Cute Healthy Activities

Taking Ownership

of this path? Taking ownership of which path you ask? Note paw’s on the curb:)

Taking ownership of THE WAY …paw still on the curb as she contemplates …walking with Mitsu is pure zen.
Not the typical down-dog; rather the “play with me!” ready to pounce …
Umm, can you just unleash me so I can explore my freedom?
Pllleeaase? I’m not moving until you do. Doga is all about self-expression!
Camouflage … fox in foliage… Fall is coming.
Smiling under the big tree…

Always coming back to…
IMG_0488_small Self-reflection? Observing the chew toys and bones float by…Ommmm Bliss:)

Anything Cute Beautiful Rituals Healthy Activities Healthy Living

Full Moon to howl to tonight?

Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.

– Allen Ginsberg

But, but … she’s no wolf; Mitsu is more a fox…in pursuit of serenity of moonlight reflected off a calm surface of a lake … allowing the waves and ripples to …settle.

Health is the greatest gift,
Contentment the greatest wealth,
Faithfulness the best relationship.

– Buddha

foxdogSplitting image of Mitsu at a shine in Kamakura … Foxes in Japanese folklore holds a unique significance. They are often depicted to possess supernatural, special magical powers:)

Need that power to feel less discombobulated … it’s as though my body is not belonging to me – well, as Iyengar apparently said, “yes, it’s rented” – my lease plan is not working out. I thought it was a lease TO OWN option.