
DIY Yuzu Tonic & Marmalade

Need to boost our immune system as we wilt in this record Memorial Day heatwave. No we don’t have to wilt – no we don’t have to succumb to “this” – no we will not succumb to anything – we can beat any threat when we take better care of ourselves by eating right in the right mindset – we are what we eat – so eating foods sparkling with energy, brimming with energy packed nutrients – why not eat vitamin rich foods and engage in self and others care more effectively. Ideas of self-care brings me to again reiterate wearing a face mask is not scary – it’s not bad – it’s good as it’s a sign – it’s a sign that a stranger cares about you and your family.

In case you did not know, Yusu is a lemon like circus fruit originally from Japan, known for its enticing fresh aroma. High in Vitamin C and lovely lubricant for that sore dry throat irritations – from allergies- but all of us will wonder – what if it’s that virus ? Right?

So wearing a mask prevents us from that sense of dis-ease; that anxieties over the unknowns AND also prevents dust and pollens from messing up our sinuses. Mine is sooooo cute and also works to improve my lung capacity. Kind of a muscle trainer for my diaphragm- that breathing muscle – when you work it and train it you can better manage your moods – yes – and an underlying principle of yoga is the breath work – pranayama.

Btw -Check out Tokyo mayor Ms Koike’s face masks – they are so pretty- ❣️what’s all the fuss here?

Lastly but not in the least, Thank you C-san for sharing these nice big Yuzu fruits!