Beautiful Things Healthy Activities Healthy Food Healthy Living Yoga

Yoga for Respiratory Health

Been writing on it and practicing it  …I know how beneficial this practice would be for so many, now is the time.   Need to edit so for now … thinking about how to turn it into a video… for a private party???A workshop?  Really not compelled to … can I just wear a hazmat yoga suit and teach in person? How would that look like???  Till then, please support your local yoga studios and gyms which by now should have live stream or zoom classes – take those classes – give them a try.  The studio and the teachers can really use your support.

As for me – yoga?  They are embedded and peppered throughout the day – It’s been interesting serving 3 meals a day to quarantined “guest” who traveled through 2 major airports,  a shuttle bus,  a major train station… 10 hours flight – the self-imposed quarantine period is almost over and absolutely no warning signs of a virus – perfectly healthy.  Good rest, good food, mindfulness practice, reading  … it’s a retreat.  Let’s look at it with that perspective.

When this guest’s quarantine is over, I will then have more time to get back to “work”?   So far been busy making …

  1. Amazake
  2.  Amazake Chai with a beautiful banana bread make by a good friend
  3. Gluten-free chocolate birthday cake with raspberry filling (coconut sugar & agave/honey)
  4. First time ever Preserved Cherry Blossom flower for
  5. Tea and Garnish for Green Tea cookies to come …
  6. And … more grilled onions in red wine for strew making.

Honestly, I’ve never cooked so much in my life maybe … I have omitted the soups, lemon squares, Matcha sabre, udon, ramen, the 2 takeouts as I broke down:)  Oddly, I lost 5 lbs.  Just cooking your own meals, eating home cooked foods and less processed foods … just that.  Did … It.


and of course that yogic breath, Karaoke singing and humming as I cook and move. Boost your immune system !  Confront your fears head on !!