
We don’t use the body to get into a pose

We use the pose to get into the body.

– Bernie Clark

To embody; to drop in … it’s … yummy:)


Mahalo … Northern California Beach… Bhhhh

Earthing, wading into the waves and feel the sands slip away as you root down … it’s winter icy water of the Pacific here in Northern California. Mahalo only in breakfast choice:)

Rolling up the hems of my jeans to feel the swirls of waves wash up against and past my ankles …

Carrying a purse full of dog treats, thankful for extra warm down jacket and just rolled up pants hem, goofing around … NOT nailing the pose.  Balancing is challenging as your entire foot sinks on soft sands as toes try to hold onto the ever slipping sands as waves recedes as though pulled by the ocean. What does it feel like to feel the ground give … and slip away from beneath? Earth shifts as we shift our thinking from nailing or striking a pose TO EMBODYING the pose as we feel the ground loosening… losing the ground as waves washes up on the beach … then recedes back into the great ocean.

Water is … freezing cold !  Grounding Practice when the ground literally loosens and falls apart under you – have fun with it.

January Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday … Regenerating ENERGY:

“What are you doing for others?”

– Martin Luther King Jr.


Mahalo … Yes, Today!